Queen’s Park Gearing Up For Legalized Weed Sales


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From 420 Magazine...

The Ontario government is quietly gearing up for legalized marijuana sales, the Star has learned.

With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau set to allow recreational cannabis use as early as next year, Queen’s Park has begun work on how distribution and retailing will eventually be handled.

Finance Minister Charles Sousa says a working group has been struck comprised of bureaucrats from his department, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Attorney General.

“We’re working with the feds. With their commitment to legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana, we are going to work with them,” Sousa said in an interview.

“We’re guided by their commitment, but at the same time we’re having an across-ministry working group. We’ve got senior officials involved. We’ve begun some research and background (work) already in terms of what Ontario’s approach should be,” he said.

“But it’s complex. There’s different viewpoints. There’s different inputs from several ministries. We’re at it. We’re close. But I don’t want to jump the gun on any of this stuff . . . because I want us to take a steady approach as to what’s ultimately going to take place.”

Echoing Premier Kathleen Wynne, who advocates for marijuana sales to be restricted to provincially owned LCBO stores, Sousa said he wanted “to send out the signal” that the era of storefront weed dispensaries is soon coming to an end.

“I, at least, don’t see that being the distribution mechanism. It’s going to have to be controlled,” the treasurer warned.

There are more that 100 illegal dispensaries now operating in Toronto with more popping up weekly despite a recent police crackdown.

“Marijuana possession and trafficking, it’s illegal. Medical users are authorized, but under federal law all marijuana storefront dispensaries are illegal, too,” said Sousa.

Medicinal marijuana is only legally available with a prescription from a medical doctor and supplied by one of 31 federally licensed producers who must deliver the drug via registered mail.

Like Wynne, Sousa does not believe in free-for-all weed retailing.

“Frankly, we’ve got a lot to draw on. We’ve got a lot of experience already when it comes to regulating alcohol, regulating tobacco (and) regulating gaming. I have all these agencies reporting up to me right now relative to this. That is helpful as we proceed in this discussion,” the finance minister said.

“It is early and it’s not really clear yet how it will unfold and what options we’ll use. There’s a lot of options that are being made available that are being examined and all of them have implications,” he said.

“In terms of speculating where it’s going to be distributed or the impact fiscally, my concern right now is ensuring that a framework is in place (and) the ministries are engaged.”

Genevieve Tomney, a spokesperson for the LCBO, said the 650-outlet agency is closely monitoring developments at Queen’s Park and in Ottawa.

“Should decriminalization of recreational marijuana occur at the federal level, LCBO would take direction from the provincial government as to any role it may have in retailing cannabis,” said Tomney.

“It is premature to speculate as to what that role may be, but we are paying close attention to the process as it unfolds and reviewing publicly available information that may help us if given this added responsibility,” she said.

Warren (Smokey) Thomas, president of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union that represents LCBO workers, has said government-owned liquor stores are the safest place to sell marijuana.

Thomas has noted the LCBO’s secure warehouses and well-trained staff are best equipped to keep legalized weed out of the hands of underage Ontarians.

Former Toronto police chief Bill Blair, now the Liberal MP for Scarborough Southwest, is currently at work on updating Canada’s cannabis laws.

Blair has praised the licensed producers and warned of the dangers of the profiteering storefront drug dealers.

Blair has also expressed support for marijuana retailing to be limited to the LCBO.

In January, he noted that it is “very difficult” for a youth to buy booze in Ontario.

“You’re going to come up against a government employee who’s got regulations to enforce and is going to ask for identification and if a person’s underage, they’re not going to be able to buy that,” said Blair.

“And that’s a far better way to regulate access (to marijuana) for kids than leaving it up to some criminal in a stairwell. Frankly, in most urban centres across this country, it is far easier for a kid, an underaged youth, to acquire marijuana than it is to acquire alcohol.”

Proponents of continued sales at dispensaries have argued they are merely providing medicine to their customers.

Well that might work for Ont. But in Alberta the ALCB was snuffed out a couple decades ago. The liquor stores are all private. So... the weed stores will be too i guess?

I wonder if they will just call them dispensaries?
The headline should read 'Ontario gearing up for another provincial monopoly'

These fuck heads will say anything to suit their agenda...when I was a kid, booze was far easier to get than weed. Everyone has an older sibling or knows one who does.
The headline should read 'Ontario gearing up for another provincial monopoly'

These fuck heads will say anything to suit their agenda...when I was a kid, booze was far easier to get than weed. Everyone has an older sibling or knows one who does.


One thing that happened when the AB gave up its booze monopoly was selection went way down. Lol

So... maybe the monopoly has its upside??? Lol
I cant wait for the day people start to nut up and revolt against these cunts. Until then I'll just keep stock piling ammo..
ALCB was snuffed out a couple decades ago.

ALCB (actually AGLC, Alberta Gaming and Liquor Control board) still exists, private stores still have to comply / are subject to inspections, just like the rest of the hospitality industry / places serving booze. It's the same model that having 'private' alberta registries performing drivers license renewals etc works under, the storefronts are 'privatized' but the product and processes are still controlled.

Just more pigs lining up at the trough, these clowns are pretty much interchangable, just replace Ontario Liberals / Wynne with Shoppers Drug Mart/Loblaws, and 'LCBO' with 'Pharmacies'. Wynne wants to create more bureaucracy that she can piss away taxpayer money with.
Same for BC...you can buy booze in private outlets. The other consideration for me is having to go to a liquor store to buy cannabis. I haven't set foot in a booze dispensary in 7+ years. I'm sure I am not the only ex-drunk that has an aversion to liquor stores. Just more posturing from the greedy fucks trying to find an easy buck. Fortunately the free market will prevail. Tobacco, a huge killer, can be bought everywhere...but they think they can force cannabis users to patronize a retailer responsible for distribution of the second biggest killer drug, alcohol. Never gonna fly.
ALCB (actually AGLC, Alberta Gaming and Liquor Control board) still exists, private stores still have to comply / are subject to inspections, just like the rest of the hospitality industry / places serving booze. It's the same model that having 'private' alberta registries performing drivers license renewals etc works under, the storefronts are 'privatized' but the product and processes are still controlled.

Just more pigs lining up at the trough, these clowns are pretty much interchangable, just replace Ontario Liberals / Wynne with Shoppers Drug Mart/Loblaws, and 'LCBO' with 'Pharmacies'. Wynne wants to create more bureaucracy that she can piss away taxpayer money with.
I miss the old ALCB liquor stores. They had everything you could think of... i know cause we used to go in and look around for what we wanted, get booted out, then hang around out front asking people to "bootleg" for us. Never took long to find somebody...lol
Smells the money does he. Now he thinks it should all be his eh? Fuck him and his whole fuckin family.
I hate SOB's like this weasel piece of shit. Against us still but hungry for our money. He's the lowest garbage there is imo.
The day I buy any cannabis product from the LCBO is the day I go INSANE. Cause that'd be the only fuckin way that could happen.
Please boycott or just be a cunt instead.
"Echoing Premier Kathleen Wynne, who advocates for marijuana sales to be restricted to provincially owned LCBO stores, Sousa said he wanted “to send out the signal” that the era of storefront weed dispensaries is soon coming to an end."


Ya sure! :lol: (:

Good luck with dat one eh!?!?! ;)

Sousa..I got some news for you that you cant even fathom.. They are here to stay my friend. Weather you like that or not. Ya! :)

Their ideas will hit the wall like all the rest of their control....
EVERYONE has a shot at this shit!!! ;)
"Echoing Premier Kathleen Wynne, who advocates for marijuana sales to be restricted to provincially owned LCBO stores, Sousa said he wanted “to send out the signal” that the era of storefront weed dispensaries is soon coming to an end."


Ya sure! :lol: (:

Good luck with dat one eh!?!?! ;)

Sousa..I got some news for you that you cant even fathom.. They are here to stay my friend. Weather you like that or not. Ya! :)

Their ideas will hit the wall like all the rest of their control....
EVERYONE has a shot at this shit!!! ;)
Ontario still hasn't figured out how to sell booze...don't expect them to come up with anything remotely intelligent for weed sales.

They drinkin to much of what they brewin.. :lol:

once the hang over wears off...they can smoke a joint and realize their ways!!(:

With a water holder like Katty in charge....what would you expect?
i love how the people who wanted nothing to do with MJ and the people who are completely against it are brainstorming on ways to make it legal.
kind of like a bunch of guys talking about what a period cramp feels like. no way they can wrap their heads around it
F*cking Ontario, what is it with this province that attracts the most dumb-ass politicians in the country. Regardless of colours/stripes they drop the ball on everything they touch and will now f*ck up distribution, and legalization in general. With the ON Liberals driving this the only good thing is the BM will continue to thrive. After all their greed and inefficiency kicks in, LP weed should run at least $10/g for shwagg. F'n imbeciles.