Question about Auto's & Nutrients?


Active Member
Ok this is real noob but its Newbie Central so no shame lol ...

From what im reading nutrients dont come till later in the grow, because of nutrients in the soil. Depending on soil mix, 2 to 3 weeks im getting. If you have say a mix of Castings and ordinary Potting Mix and Perlite with a Autoflowering plant, does that "rule" change?

And is this stuff anygood, made by "Yates"...


Active Member
ive grown mostly autos and iusually give them a 1/4 dose of nutes at the end of week one and see how i go from there by the time of cropping my nutes are usually in a cf range of 1.8 to 2.0 start off atabout 1.1 to 1.2


Well-Known Member
I grow all my autos in a nutelesss soil mix (Humboldt) and usually start 1/4 strength veg nutes at 2 weeks ....Patience in watering the first 2-3 weeks is critical to obtaining healthy seedlings.... give your seedlings 24/0 lighting, control your temps, and be will start small and usually explode at about a month. I only use organic nutes (biobizz).....