Question about Bongs.


I know - this is the wrong place for this question... But I have a quick question anyways. I just moved into a new Apt. - I have noticed that someone has been in my apt without my consent recently - My question is simple.

Can you store a glass bong / bub in a garage over winter? ( its about 15 degrees out atm ) Of coarse I would dry all the peices out so the water doesnt freeze... But do you guys think the glass would break/shatter from going below freezing?

If anyone has had this issue before please put in some suggestions.

Thank you guys.


Active Member
Coming from the land of Ice and snow....( canada, ) it should not be a problem.. but do not fire up an Ice cold piece of glass... Can you say shattered? Acrylic bongs have a great place in winter.... if ya fuck it up its like 15 bucks.... hope this helps....


Well-Known Member
it'll be fine, the only way i could see it cracking is if you dropped it or went from one extreme temperature to another really fast... freezing cold and you pour boiling water in it or vice versa, not even sure if that would do it. you will be fine storing it in a garage though.. just wrap it up in a towel and throw it in a bag


Well-Known Member
I keep mine in the garage and the only time I've had a problem is when I left water in it. Water froze and cracked the slip.


Well-Known Member
You have rights. Find out if it's your landlord goin into your apartment and regulate. If it isnt, maybe its time to change locks...



Well-Known Member
You have rights. Find out if it's your landlord goin into your apartment and regulate. If it isnt, maybe its time to change locks...

that's true.. put up a trail camera or something to snap pictures when there is movement and turn it on whenever you leave your place! trail cameras are great for tracking deer and catchin theives! someone was stealing gas out of our 500 gallon tank at our farm, set up a trail camera.... got a nice picture of the asshole and a great view of his license plate, turned it in to the police and since he stole over 300 dollars in fuel the fucker caught a felony! thank you trail cam haha


yep - I know about most of the landlord tenant laws such as the 24 hours before entrance ( unless emergency ) and so on. But before I start all that I want to have it all gone - so they have no case whatsoever.