Question about CO2..


Hey alls, I'm trying to learn myself up here for my first grow and I've got a question...

Currently I'm running what is looking to be a very low-light setup as i learn more... I'm looking at buying a T5 setup soon but I'm not killing myself as the wife and I need money first, basically if i can manage any yeild at all with this first grow then I'll be much more into setting up a proper home for future plants. I threw a bunch of old seeds into a wet paper towel and to ym suprise, a lot of them grew... so that's how i fell into this. As of now i've just got 2 blue CFLs providing light for a bunch of little 2-3" seedlings in the basement... no doubt the setup could be better but i should get to the point... here's my question...

Guy at the local hydroponics store mentioned providing CO2 to my "tomatoes"... I just happen to have a 20lb CO2 filling station in my possession for paintball, would it be beneficial to use it to provide some fresh air to the plants?

Thanks in advance for any help.. and please be gentle about my horrible half-assed setup =)


Active Member
personaly your a new grower learn some of the basics before getting into C02 as there is alot of stuff involved in using it i would stick to the basics before you go onto that


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would say don't bother man. Maintain good air exchange and you will be fine. I think the use of it is a little bit overrated.


fair enough

so payday is next week, i'd like to order a grow light.. it's 4x T5 bulbs, 2' long

i figure this should be enough to help the young plants along for now and if enough stay healthy i can add another down the road(the seeds are whatever i've kept from over the years that sprouted)
I have a couple questions about it though...

can i switch to a red light flourescent when it's time for flowering with this light? How many of the plants could a 4 bulb x 2' grow light support all the way through harvesting?

thanks as always in advance


Active Member
Have you thought about buying a HID setup? I'm not sure what you're gonna pay for the T5's... but you can get a decent 150HPS or even a 250HPS pretty cheap. Check e-bay, but always read feedback before ordering to make sure its a legit seller. The HPS, even if you buy it down the road, will most definitely get you better flowers when you flip them into bloom, IMO.