question about dwc??


Active Member
would plants die if their air pump was on a timer? i want to set up a second hydro, stealth hydro, i have a fishtank which would cover the noise of the airpump and hydroponics in the stealth cab, but the fishtanks water filter turns off at 8 at night and on at 8 in the morning, so i was wondering wether i could have my hydro set up on the same timer as my fishtank?

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
The air doesn't have to be on 24/7, but it's a good idea.

What's the problem with the noise? If someone hears it, it's easy to explain away as something else. "I was painting in there and that's an air cleaner getting rid of the fumes." If it's about sleep, first you will get used to the steady hum of a pump. You can lessen it by hanging the pump from a bungee cord so it doesn't touch any surfaces and amplify the vibrations.

Air on 12/12? I don't recommend it.


Active Member
Yeah i have another hydro setup which is on 24 hour and the results are great, but i just didnt know if the roots would drown without oxygenation. the only issue with noise is sleep, the fishtank can kind of cover the bubbling noise or airpump noise so that isnt really much of an issue, thanks for the advice ill try hanging an air pump and sleep on it to see if it is quiet enough ;), otherwise ill just have to stick with soil!


Well-Known Member
Antrky: I've done it without a problem but most people will usually advise against it. My grow space is right off the bed room and my honey and I are both very light sleepers. I used to time everything to be off from ten pm to six am and then I found out there are some pretty quiet pumps on the market.

Wal-Mart has a relatively quiet pump if you don't put it on a real hard surface like wood. If it's on a wood or metal it'll buzz like a hive full of bees, but if you put it on something relatively soft like a mouse pad it's pretty quiet.

The hydro stores sell some relatively quiet pumps. If they really want your continued business they'll plug them in and let you pick the one you like. That's what finally happened to us. The guys at Discount Hydroponics at Riverside, California plugged in a couple of them that they thought were pretty quiet and we found one that was literally whisper quiet. Now they can run twenty-four hours a day without disturbing anyone. Good luck. HSA


Active Member
My grow cab is in my bedroom and im not a light sleeper but find it very hard to get to sleep with it my fishtank pump on, so i assumed id have the same problem with an airpump, im sure i can find a super quiet airpump and find a way to make it even quiter! thanks for the advice HSA helped alot!


Well-Known Member
Keeping the pumps on 24/7 is best man you dont want the roots just sitting in water with no oxygen for long hours at a time