question about female sativa plant


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question about a female sativa I have flowering. She's at day 85 and I've read that sativas flowering time is between 10 to 16 weeks so I may still have close to 30 more days with her. She's got small flowers spread all over her. Nothing like the indica I flowered next to her. Question is I'm not seeing much in the way of crystals forming just the flowers. Will this plant end up looking like with buds and all or will it just be lots of the smaller flowers? I have cut and dried a small bit and gave to my roomie and he said he felt pretty good after so I think theres hope for her yet.



Well-Known Member
Just a quick question about a female sativa I have flowering. She's at day 85 and I've read that sativas flowering time is between 10 to 16 weeks so I may still have close to 30 more days with her. She's got small flowers spread all over her. Nothing like the indica I flowered next to her. Question is I'm not seeing much in the way of crystals forming just the flowers. Will this plant end up looking like with buds and all or will it just be lots of the smaller flowers? I have cut and dried a small bit and gave to my roomie and he said he felt pretty good after so I think theres hope for her yet.
Definitely sativa. Your pretty much lookin at it. I would recommend feeding it unsulfered molasses mix well with water everey water. The sugar will thicken the buds. Do a search on molasses on here and you'll get 2nd opinions about this one. I do it to mine and yes it works!! good luck