Question about fines in NY


Active Member
So... does anyone know if a police officer can fine you after you've been pulled over, but not tell you that he is going to fine you? My brother says this happened to him. (This is in New York state).

My friend got pulled over ('cos she can't drive...) whiel driving her bf's car and the officer said he smelled weed so he searched the car, n found weed bits on the floor or the back seat and found my bowl under my seat.

So he let us go, just saying to my friend that she should have a talk with her bf about his car, and that he could've arrested us n w/e.

So now I just need to know if I should be expecting a fine in the mail anytime soon??


Well-Known Member
I doubt it, if they were going to fine you, they would of gave you the ticket right there. I mean, they don't even have your adress right? Then they can't mail you anything. What part of NY are you in, the cops around me are dicks... They don't give a shit about my rights or friends... They also wouldn't of let us go. You're lucky. =]


Active Member
Yeah idk why they let us go... It was me (girl) and my two friends, one was also a girl, but the other was a boy, so idk maybe that's why. Anyway the reason I was all worked up about this was 'cos my dumbass brother told me that he had been led to believe that he was getting away with something after getting pulled over, but then received a fine in the mail. When I brought it up again with him, he says that's not what he said and maybe he was high. I say he is moron. :)

Oh and I live around Albany. Cops in my town are known to be assholes, but what kind of cops don't have that reputation, really? But seriously, they gave my brother a ticket for having an air freshner on his rearview mirror. WTF?? I didn't even know that was illegal until that happened to my brother.