Question about flowering and plant growth


I just wanted to ask how much taller will a plant grow during flowering? My problem is I've just finished my first grow of some autos but I had this great idea that if I put some non autos in at the same time there be more than ready after 10 weeks. Well that was an understatment lol. There now all pushing for about 4ft tall. And My grow room is only 7ft high. I'm just wondering is it worth topping them down to a better size now while there still in veg? Or do u think I'll be able to squeez them in?


Active Member
NOOOO they will double or triple in size when the go inbto flowering......I would super crop any pics


Well-Known Member
Plant can double or triple in size depending on strain during flowering, topping will help this you can also LST (bend them)....


Thanks guys. I did think I would have to give them a chop. How long shall I give them to recover before changing the light to 12/12? I think I'll take them down to around 2ft just to make sure. The strains are White rhino and big budda cheese. Here's a little pic taken the other day.


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Tie down the main colas. You can see how thin your plants are at the bottom. You want to keep them at their current height.

DO NOT CUT THEM they are ready to flower and topping now would not be good.

How much light do you have?



I'm using a 600watt hps. So u think I'll be better off to tie them down? It's my mistake letting them veg for 10 weeks. Oh I forgot to say I used uncle bens topping method at around 4 weeks old to create 4 colas. So would I need to tie them all down?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Yes tie them down and put them into 12/12. All that empty space on the bottom of the plants is just wasted vertical space.

DSCF2883 red line.jpg


Well-Known Member
You can tie them down hence LST Low Stress Training, as i menitioned before, but how bendable are your stems at this point, your plant s look big and they are still in veg.... it takes 1-2 weeks ior it to recover then you have 4 main cola instead of 1 and a shorter plant that concentrates on the few sites you left. Vegging longer only cost you time and there are SOME who believe that you need a nice long veg for stronger weed (NOT PROVEN) especially comming i have dont both before and would only recommend LST in VERY early stages they can easily break then you have to cut anyhow...

Research and make the best decision for your girls!!!
Good SMoke!!