question about flowering?


I have a small grow box with three plants, I waited a little to long when I switched over to flowering and one of the plants has taken over and is way ahead of the other plants, my question is this one plant is going to be ready way before the others are going to be, so once I harvest the one can will the other continue to grow and will they keep growing the buds. I'm using CFL lighting.



I dont think I am reading this right, of course the others will keep growing?? if you take a plant out of the garden do the rest die?

I must be really stoned lol


the buds are just starting to turn color and the other two don't even have many buds at all and the buds they do have are very small. I think the one huge plant is robbing light from the other two, from what i've been reading, this is one of the down falls of the CFL lights.


Well-Known Member
No light= no buds (or very pointless buds). The smaller plants can't compete once they get too far behind. Try to tuck and pole the larger plant back so the little guys can get their fair share of light. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I always give my smaller plants the best light. Once they catch up I run them normally under the light.