Question about Genetics and Clones +Rep


Well-Known Member
I just did my 9th harvest first time using clones from the dispensary and my buds were way full of crystals, more than i have ever grown, but the bud is very airy and fluffy (growing using hydro). All of my other buds grown from seeds have been super dense and full. The only change in this grow is i was using a 600watt HPS instead of the 400 watt i have used in the past so there is more light and im using a air cooled hood so i was able to get the light very close. i had 3 plants under the 600 and the strains are Hindu kush, Grapefruit Ice, and Purple voodoo. the only thing that i could come up with is that these clones had bad genetics, Is this true? I think i am going to stick to seeds but just had to get some opinions so that i dont run into growing fluffy buds again

+REP for any thoughts


Well-Known Member
If the only changes you made were the bigger light and the use of clones then the problem must be with the clones since the bigger light should make the buds denser.
I'm currently growing two strains which are very similar, one has dense buds the other has airy buds. Must be the genetics. They are first generation hybrids from seed. Have you ever grown those strains before with good results?

On the other hand it doesn't seem likely that three different strains would show the same problem unless the cloner is pulling a fast one.


different strains = different bud qualities. of course, how you treat them can greatly change density and other properties. I would just try to research the species you grew and see what other people have to say, maybe even contact the dispencary and ask them what the finished product should look like and the ideal growing medium / lights / nuts / etc. for them.