Question about Getting my card


Active Member
I'm a California resident, just turned 21. I suffer from very bad anxiety and use cannabis for aiding in this along with other social difficulty's and problems ive had in late highschool. Problem is ive never been to a doctor about my anxiety, depression, and really bad insomnia... i currently don't have heath insurance so gaining a doctors recommendation may be pretty hard to get for a cannabis card. My question is how would one go about getting a card if i have no previous "medical conditions" but i still suffer from things that cannabis helps with.. I would like to stay away from any pharmaceutical medicine and stay natural with cannabis, this is the main reason ive never seeked pills for my conditions, cannabis just works for me.


Active Member
i dont think you need to bring in your medical records anymore...but i think my Dr said that anxiety/depression isnt a major reason.asshole worked my first year though


Well-Known Member
Hmm...interesting...I have Severe to the point where I'm almost unable to leave the house without feeling spaced out. I've never gone to get meds though.....wonder how getting a rec will work out for me aswell. Maybe I should go ahead and see a doctor here and get prescribed and just not take the meds.


Active Member
Hmm...interesting...I have Severe to the point where I'm almost unable to leave the house without feeling spaced out. I've never gone to get meds though.....wonder how getting a rec will work out for me aswell. Maybe I should go ahead and see a doctor here and get prescribed and just not take the meds.
the 1st time i got a rec i did take my prescription bottle,and did receive my mmj rec..


Well-Known Member
Best thing to do is to make an appointment with a MMJ Doc. They will give you an evaluation and possibly recommend MMJ for you. Usually they will give you a quick once over, talk to you about your ailments and what you have done to relieve them in the past, and then finally give you a recommendation. They may be able to give you a 12 month rec but you could receive a 3 month rec as well. Just make sure you take any medical records or prescriptions that you have expired or not.

Good Luck! :)


Active Member
Just as my doctor told me,"you're trying to hard". LOL. Seriously just tell them the truth and dont think soo much. I went in anxious and all paranoid and shit. She "read" me from the get go and flatout told me that "i needed to just clam down and go medicate as soon as possible" Then gave me my 'script and joked with her receptionist about how nervous i was. 55 bucks and about 30 minutes out of my day. Most places only charge if you pass your "evaluation" so i don't think they're turning down to many willing to pay the fee :)


Active Member
BTW,i do have legitimate reasons for medicating and have proof of such. I still was just hella nervous and didn't want to not get my card.


Well-Known Member
Last time I walked into a dr's office my blood pressure was so high because I was mid anxiety attack...he thought I was an alchoholic because it was so high and im only 24. I've also got to go a dr down here and figure out whats wrong with my neck and why i get headaches every night.


Active Member
in my experience, a sincere recognition of cannabis' healing properties along with demonstrating some knowledge of harm reduction re:smoking is sufficient to secure the rec (you should use a vape)
personally, i also 'tried too hard' my first go-round, but recently found that the doctor was happy to learn that mmj helped me with things like recovering from strongman training, stress relief and a generally improved sense of wellbeing


Active Member
Just as my doctor told me,"you're trying to hard". LOL. Seriously just tell them the truth and dont think soo much. I went in anxious and all paranoid and shit. She "read" me from the get go and flatout told me that "i needed to just clam down and go medicate as soon as possible" Then gave me my 'script and joked with her receptionist about how nervous i was. 55 bucks and about 30 minutes out of my day. Most places only charge if you pass your "evaluation" so i don't think they're turning down to many willing to pay the fee :)
Pumpkin Head ?? Anyway, that was right on. Take heed of the advice, this person's correct.
Reps to ya' P.H.


Active Member
I'm a California resident, just turned 21. I suffer from very bad anxiety and use cannabis for aiding in this along with other social difficulty's and problems ive had in late highschool. Problem is ive never been to a doctor about my anxiety, depression, and really bad insomnia... i currently don't have heath insurance so gaining a doctors recommendation may be pretty hard to get for a cannabis card. My question is how would one go about getting a card if i have no previous "medical conditions" but i still suffer from things that cannabis helps with.. I would like to stay away from any pharmaceutical medicine and stay natural with cannabis, this is the main reason ive never seeked pills for my conditions, cannabis just works for me.
Firstly, there's advice here telling you to relax, tell the truth and you'll be fine. Most Doctors DO think there is medical value in MMJ and they are sick of the politics and big money between the Federal Govt. and the USA Drug Cartel (UDC=Pharm. big boys). I have two separate Doctors recommendations, my primary and my pain specialist. One suggested I grow for others (another story).
But if you don't want to do that route, where are you? Can you pick up one of the 3-4 publications (free) available at head shops and dispensaries, even online, just filled with pages of ads showing doctors selling MMJ cards, "on the spot" where you'd go there, wait for doc, get eval, get approval, get card, get meds all in the same couple of hours! It is ridiculous AND it is a step against outright legality (I believe in). It is the governments way of staying in control. The taxation alone, will still keep the underground thriving. It'll be cheaper there.