Question about Hermaphrodite...


Active Member
my buddy has a grow room of 20 plants all in the flowering stage. He looks at them everyday....and just recently he found one of the plants appeared to be a hermie. so he immediately took it out of the room....and examined the plant. The plant is extremely healthy, loaded with flowers and looks like its goinna produce a decent amout of marijuana. So after carefully examing the plant....he could only find one or two branches that had a few "ball sacs". If he were to just cut off the bud sites where the ball sac is located....could he put it back in the grow room with the rest of the females? its a beautiful plant and literally has a total of about 4-5 sacs....can you just rip off the bud sites where the sacs are?? would this damage the rest of your crop?

any feedback would be apprecaited

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
You do run the risk of pollinating the entire crop. All you have to do is miss a ball or two and voila, seeds.

I'd get rid of it altogether. I did the same thing earlier this week.


Well-Known Member
one hermie can easily pollenate an entire crop - atleast portions of it. ive seen it happen countless times with my buddy. its cus he ordered all these different strains with multiple phenotypes, and certain phenos hermied. one Atomic Haze hermied the entire crop was crackling when smoked - he strictly vapo'd that herb. also, if it hermies once then its most likely going to do it again - breaking off branches or bud sites might make it hermie even faster.

i hate to say this, but the crop might be already pollenated - atleast parts of it. when your buddy found the hermie, was it yellow and banana-like? if so, it probably already have to spot them when theyre little green nubs in order to prevent it. since you described them as balls im assuming they were immature and not ready to open yet, when they open they look like bananas.


Well-Known Member
lol. I'm in the middle of this exact situation. I tried to rip off it's nuts, here's what happened: when I ripped them off, they just opened anyway. It's very very very tricky to remove them. I ended up pollinating a portion of the plant. It's funny. some branches have seeds, some don't, whadda ya do? I'm smokin the shit, I grew it dammit. Nothin short of my girl gettin stolen by midget ninjas is gonna keep me from tokin this girl, transvestite or not. But yeah, it's hard, good luck.


Well-Known Member
By the way, noobgrower, what the funk do you plan on doin when you become a skilled grower? Your name wouldn't make much sense then now would it? Nooooooo..... :o)