Question about high yeild in small space?


Well-Known Member
I know that large well ammended holes yeild very well, along with good sunlight and watering
which is what I intend to do this year. I am planning on 6 very large plants to get enough smoke to
last me until next years harvest.

I was just doing some googling and researching earlier and came across some information on
a website called 'marijuana passion' I do believe it was called. They stated that a very easy way to
get a large yield in a small area was to dig a 5ftx5ft patch and place a seed or seedling every 3 1/2
inches apart, resulting about 78 total. Half would be males, half would be females. They said the
plants would be small but it could yield alot of bud, i'm guessing theyre would be about 40 decent
sized top colas.

They never mentioned anything about it, but if someone were to do this method and lollipopped
the plants I could imagine you would end up with several nice colas and a pretty good yeild if you
the extra seed to do this and done several mini patches like this.

Has anyone ever attempted this or anything similar to this? Sounds like a good idea for alot of bud
does anyone think this would work? And if you have any pictures of anything similar to what the
outcome of this method would be, that would be awesome. Just very curious because its something
i've never really thought or heard of.


Well-Known Member
78 outdoor plants in a 5x5 patch, why? Lets see a link to that article,because there has to be something more to it than that. Extra plants per square foot doesnt mean extra weed.


Well-Known Member
Just google "how to grow marijuana on an outdoor site" and you'll find it in the marijuana passion website.
I was thinking more like outdoor SOG grow. Has anyone ever done an outdoor SOG? Maybe a 6ft long 3ft wide patch
with say 8 or 9 females? Thats how alot of people grow in gardens, in rows, and tomatoes seem to do quiet well
like this. I just think it would be interesting to research, anyone have any pics of an outdoor SOG?


Well-Known Member
Erg... you can't really SOG outside per se, unless you have a way of light dep. the plants.
I would recommend LARGE LSTed plants forming an even canopy.

That way you get many colas
from one large plant vs many small plants. I wouldn't even try that.
(Unless you use clones for uniformity, and you're only doing it as an experiment)

My opinion: First - Yield is HIGHLY dependent on GENETICS. Get good strains that
respond well to topping/LST. Then use stakes in a square layout with a screen (SCroG)
to train a relatively even canopy. Remember, certain strains do not like being topped
and will yield less in a SCroG style grow.

I would recommend doing more research before buying seeds/clones.


Well-Known Member
Since your flowering is dependent on the light cycle/season,
you cannot plant the same way people garden vegetables.

I guess you could "lolipop" your plants for single huge colas
HOWEVER large singular buds are susceptable to BUD ROT
more easily.

I have NEVER seen an outdoor SOG, and I feel there is a good reason for this.