Question about Mainlining/Manifolding


New Member
Hey guys and gals, quick question about mainlining. When you top down to the third node and clean up all the extra growth, I notice that my node has basically 2 stems coming out of on each side, which I have learned one is the fan leaf and one is the growth tips. My question is does it matter if you clip the growth tip and keep the leaf stem? or do you clip the leaf stem and keep the growth tip?

If you see the image basically do I cut the yellow or the red circles or does it matter?



Well-Known Member
Always leave the leafs, unless there is absolutely no way to tuck it out of the way of a flower. This is a highly debated topic in the community, but my argument is that once a leaf is fully developed it requires minimal attention from your plants nutrient supply to stay alive. It becomes a sugar factory for your plant, and if it's in the shade it becomes a nutrient storage cell for your plant to draw from in a time of shortage. Plus, should there be a time of shortage, it will allow you to diagnose what's deficient.

As far as manifolding, top to the third node and remove all but the top 2 growing tips. Let your plant decide which leafs are expendable.