Question about making female seeds


Active Member
I've been reading about colloidal silver and how to use it to make feminized seeds. I'm a little confused with breeding plants and how genetics would work. My main grow of plants is going to be outside and i plan on taking cuttings and making clones from them. But here's the thing if i make clones lets say 4 and take a 2 bring them in and put them under a LED light ( my only light atm) flip them into flower then use the colloidal silver to get pollen sacs and collect the pollen, Then i'd have the other 2 clones which would be smaller then the mother as i'd keep them in a 5 gal pot or something, then pollinate them with the pollen. Whether i kept those clones outside with maybe a freezer bag over the cola for a few days after pollinating (i'd probably moisten the pollen) or bring them in and flower them under the light. I somehow feel like i'm cheating myself. A plant growing in the ground with sunlight would produce seeds that grow better quality weed then then clones which would be smaller in a pot and under a LED right? I don't wanna pollinate my main plants for obvious reasons. That's why i'd use clones. Or would the seeds produce the same grade of weed.
You need to read up about how to do it right before making a mess of it.

I do as well. I've been pollen chucking for 20 years but just now getting into fem seed production using STS, (silver thiosulfate), rather than CS which I already make a liter at a time.

When you breed a plant with itself, as you plan to do, you are inbreeding. This is done at times but can't be done all the time for the same reasons you're not supposed to make babies with your sibling.

You do not want to cover a cola with a sealed plastic bag. It will get mouldy in no time with all the moisture it gives off trapped. I've used a paper bag with a taped in window to collect pollen in the flowering room. A clan bag they sell french bread in would work great. Just check any bag carefully for pinhole leaks and put a but of Scotch tape over any. Don't take much for pollen to leak out.

If I want seeds off a large plant but mainly want buds I do this:

Remove plant to be dusted from the flowering room.

Put a garbage bag or other plastic bag that fits over it leaving a lower branch or two sticking out.

Make sure no fans are on! Then using a tiny paint brush or roughed up Q-Tip dip it into my pollen tapping it to knock off some and tap it gently over the buds. Easy enough to see the pollen going onto the stamens.

Leave the plant sit overnight then spray everything down good, including the dusted branch(es), with water before removing the bag. Then spray the plant down a bit more and don't forget to wet down the pot it's in and the top of the soil good too! I've used 4 different pollens on one plant that way.

There's some books about breeding in the link that follows.

Greg Green - The Cannabis Breeder's
Marijuana Botany - An Advanced Study - The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis.pdf
Robert C Clarke - An Advanced Study, The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis.pdf

The last two may be the same but they're free so get both. :)

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS. I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as some are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

Good luck!

Thanks alot, didn't see it as inbreeding or being a isse with plants, but i guess it makes sense. Perhaps i'll mix breed, make some Blueberry X Jack herer , or blueberry x GSC :D

I also already have that catnews link i found it about a week ago browsing the net.