Active Member
Hi all, just a quick question I had. I would think that the closer the plants are together, for example, all attached to the same Tupperware top on hydro system would be more likely to pollinate each other, than say...each single plant growing from its own 5 gallon DWC bucket. I know that a 5 gallon setup would mean I'd need to have larger plants, but I planned on hooking about 3 buckets up to an external 10 gallon reservoir so that I would be assured of not over-feeding in a smaller setup. The plants would be further apart, get 5 gal of water each and their own pump so each would have maximum aeration and removing/cleaning/draining each bucket is easier in my opinion because each plant is isolated to its own container completely separate from the other so roots/pollination/etc should not be a problem...right? I'm just trying to basically make my grow fast and foolproof with little room for human error by either killing or pollinating anything. If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know.