Question about Michigan MJ Law


I have a couple friends who claim you must post a sign on your grow room with your card number on it in order to comply with the law if a person's house were checked. I can find nothing online stating that in the law or I am missing it?


Well-Known Member
I have a couple friends who claim you must post a sign on your grow room with your card number on it in order to comply with the law if a person's house were checked. I can find nothing online stating that in the law or I am missing it?
If you put that stuff on your door you're pretty much advertising and asking for a raid or break in. Out of sight out of mind.


If you put that stuff on your door you're pretty much advertising and asking for a raid or break in. Out of sight out of mind.
I hear ya....I don't plan on putting anything up....Just trying to end a disagreement with friends who insist it's in the law someplace.


Well-Known Member
From my understanding and reading the laws (lol), on your immediate grow room enterance door, a keep out sign, all your patients copied paperwork, and a lock must be on the door at all times
When your not in the grow room, door must always be locked.


Well-Known Member
From my understanding and reading the laws (lol), on your immediate grow room enterance door, a keep out sign, all your patients copied paperwork, and a lock must be on the door at all times
When your not in the grow room, door must always be locked.
Prove it. It should be easy for you if it's in the mmm act.


Well-Known Member
I have nothing to prove, sorry. If your so butt hurt about it,please be my guest and post it up. I have a garden to attend to. Before the next set of laws ban us private growers from doing what we love.


I grow for my personal use so I am not to worried about any signs...but here is one I try to figure out: you are allowed 12 plants but only 2.5 oz in you possession...I think the idea of 12 plants is if you were spreading out your grow over a years time, but if you grow all 12 at one time you would hope to have more than 2.5oz out of 12 plants!


Well-Known Member
I grow for my personal use so I am not to worried about any signs...but here is one I try to figure out: you are allowed 12 plants but only 2.5 oz in you possession...I think the idea of 12 plants is if you were spreading out your grow over a years time, but if you grow all 12 at one time you would hope to have more than 2.5oz out of 12 plants!
Even bad growers would have more than 2.5z. It is a stupid number but at the end of the day I guess Im okay with it.... but I also come from okla where I faced 2 life sentences plus 30 days for 48 flowering plants and less than 2 oz dry bud on hand. As bad as some of the laws and corruption are here in Michigan, I think it important to remember just how good we have it here.


Well-Known Member
The 2.5oz and 12 plants noted in section 4 of our law has absolutely nothing to do with a patients legitimate medicinal needs or their right to maintain an uninterrupted supply period. "Section 4: Protections for the use of medical marijuana" is clearly directed at the exact same lawyers making these fallacious legal arguments parsing those arbitrary numbers to get around what that section of law clearly states what they "shall not" do under the law: treat patients and caregivers like criminals. We have a Medical Marijuana Law, not simply an exemption up to 2.5 oz and 12 plants that they'd like the People to believe per their self serving tax payer funded legal opinions.

Time to wake the fuck up and fight back!

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Well-Known Member
Let's not forget the other side of this legal opinions for profit equation either.

For nearly a decade now hundreds of dispensaries have stood on Main Streets across this state providing thousands of patients with their only access to medicine. Everyone of these establishments is propped up with (proprietary and undisclosed) paid for legal opinions with those costs past onto the patients in the form of 20-30$ grams.

There can be no rule of law, in either letter or spirit, when lawyers are able to sell millions of dollars in legal opinions so logically opposed on the backs of the tax payers and patients alike without any accountability what so ever. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that they are the only "profession" in this country regulated by a private organization of, by and for ...


Well-Known Member
I don't know why any lawyer is going to want MM legal. Meaning that half there yearly income comes from Us (most criminal lawyers), So it makes no sense that one makes money of us is going to help us by wanting it legal. They are far in few as I am sure there are a couple that do, but most Just want to make a living off us. If our Prisons are full of None violent People for MMJ crimes, What makes anyone think our government wants that to stop or lawyers ? It is all about keeping our Prisons full and lawyers and government pockets full. If they give as many Felony's out as the can soon we won't have a vote have a gun and all your rights taken away.

I think we are all seeing what is happening, just turn on your tv watch cop shows, You can't even get pulled over for a moving violation anymore without the cops asking if there are Guns, weed or bombs in your car. Then Get out of your car so they can pat you down and check you for Weapons ( Yeah Right) Like I have a gun in my watch pocket but yet they search every nook and cranny of your body without any real reason, We are all being treated like we are guilty of a crime when a cop pulls you over and says " You look Nervous" Really Maybe I've seen how you people treat Us. that's enough to make anyone nervous.

Sorry if I got off topic of this post, I am unaware of you have to post that sign on your door, I do know that is a sign out there you can post on your door with all the Patients card numbers and names which to me is not a good Idea, Just keeping your door locked goes a long way to protect your grow, But I do know one thing it does say on the sign

Under that says,, The person operating this facility is REGISTERED with the Michigan department of Health as a registered caregiver, and then has a space for the Identification numbers,
and is thereby authorized to be in possession of the materials on these Premises pursuant to MCL.333.26421, et seq.
Pursuant to MCL 333.26426 ss(h)(3) and law enforcement personnel should contact Michigan Department of Health, Compliance manager at 517-373-4992 Or program Coordinator, At verify that the registry is valid.
Pursuant to MCL 333.26426 ss (h). all licit property this is possessed,owned, or used in connection with this medical operation, storage ect,, or acts of incidental to such use, Shall Not be seized or forfeited Underlined..
and at the bottom it says
any person who takes possession or otherwise damages the materials on these Premises will be committing a felony. And any law enforcement personnel that secured a warrant without disclosure of the foregoing information to the Court before proceeding with and search or seizure, will be subjected to Prosecution.

Now nowhere on this form does it say it has to be posted on your room. I agree that out of sight is out of mind, so you can post it but no law says you have to. I just wonder why we all worry about getting in trouble for something that is legal, Because they do what they want when they want. and that scares us all......


Well-Known Member
Sorry about being so harsh. I was just venting about some B.S. I shouldn't have. I want to apologize if i offended anyone. Sorry off topic and not called for event.


Well-Known Member
I always thought you needed the sign on the door to your grow room with your patient number on it


Well-Known Member
I always thought you needed the sign on the door to your grow room with your patient number on it
No you don't actually need it, but if you do have one up, It may protect you from law enforcement that may not know the law. I did have one up but took it down due to People asking what the sign was, so I figured out of sight out of mind. I guess it's up to you if you feel better having it up leave it up, if not take er down. Happy grow.


Well-Known Member
A locked door will ALWAYS work better than a keep out sign. You only have to have the room locked -no sign required by law. I wouldnt recommend advertising your grow with one either. As for the whole 12 plant question, it is in regards to propagation, not weight. If you can't get 2.5 oz with 12 plants I agree that you are doing something (or as lot of things) incorrect, but the 12 plants is so you can have continuous medicine in the sense of a purpetual. If you are making sure to stay in the confines of the law, you probably wouldnt run all 12 in flower at once. You will have a few seeds popping/clones rooting, then a few vegging, then a few flowering. This way you never have a down time you are without medicine. If you run all 12 at once in flower, you will surely exceed your 2.5 oz max dry weight plus you cant have anything else like clones/seeds or vegging plants going in the meantime.