Question about mixing perscriptions and LSD


Well-Known Member
Hey Roll it up gang!
I've taken my share of blotter before, but have just recently been prescribed a new mood-stabilization medication called Topiramate (also known as Topamax). I've looked online and done some research and haven't been able to find my answer so I figured I'd post a thread and see if any of you knowledgeable folk knew any information on the topic. I was curious to see if taking LSD on my new medication was an "ok" (ok meaning im not going to have a horrible trip and go into a gran mal seizure/coma/some serious terminal condition) thing to do. The medication is technically an "anti-seizure" medication, but it serves multiple different purposes. Topiramate helps and has been evaluated by the FDA to help with weight loss (Topamax accelerates the amount of the Gherlin hormone produced by the stomach cells and the Gherlin hormone is then sent to the brain and tells the brain that we are full, so it decreases appetite )/(slows down the metabolism). It also helps with cluster headaches and migraines. Besides that it helps with anxiety and depression, as well as mood-stabilization. I was just unsure if the two were safe to mix and was curious to see if any one is on topamax for the same reason as myself and has taken LSD without issues. So if anyone has any information on the topic it would be greatly appreciated. Happy belated Birthday Robert Nesta Marley
Stay Toking RIL!!!!:bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf:
Thanks for the help
checked in Australian emims and the FDA interactions db for you, does not appear to react with anything that could be comparable to LSD on a chemical level, I cannot see any reason it would be contradicted.

I would suggest that because you are on these types of meds that you are sure that you feel stable enough to be using narcotics, if you do then be safe and have fun!

I personally had friends on medications similar (epilim etc) and they never had an issue.
I agree with the above, just looked at the chemical makeup of both and there's more than a few chains that are identical - only issue you'll have is if you mix it with other medications too. It's highly recommended you don't mix those two and klonipin, mirtazapine, or shrooms get tossed into the mix, however.
I think it is unwise to mix long term mood altering substances with LSD even if the clinical descriptions of the two chemicals indicate that chemically everything is fine. You are still altering serotonin Were I you I would plan my trip wisely and take a week or so off of my other meds - surely that won't be too long.
A friend of mines took a couple blotters for his first ttime and was also prescribed lithium..he had a seziure and ended up in the hospital..just my 2 safe.
I think Canndo's response is the safest way until you know more about how the topamax affects you.

From my brief research of the this drug, I'd go for it, but I also treat my body pretty shitty.
canndo, topamax doesn't alter the serotonin levels in the brain, it in fact has nothing to do with serotonin at all. So im not worried about it effecting that, im more worried about myself crossing the seizure threshold.

Rory420, im not on lithium..............
After reading a bit more on this drug I see why your concerned. There is a lot of things I don't like about mixing the two. I wish I could help more, but I'm sure you've already read the same info. All I can say is that I retract my previous statement. I wouldn't mix the two. I wouldn't take the Topamax alone.

For whatever it's worth, I read that Topamax and methadone was in Anna Nicole Smith's autopsy report.

Good luck with your research.
anna nicole smith had a whole lot of shit in her system, im just taking one tab of some low strength acid, and my recommended dose of 200mg per day of topamax.
@jewgrow - I actually arrived in this thread in search for the same answer. Since this was posted a long time ago I wondered if you tried it and how did it go?
I should start soon with Topamax for my migraines and am afraid I won't be able to Micro Dose (or Macro :) )
If you tried it I would love to know how it went.
A friend of mines took a couple blotters for his first ttime and was also prescribed lithium..he had a seziure and ended up in the hospital..just my 2 safe.
Lithium also damages the kidneys jusT on its own, I would not be taking lsd with someone on lithium that’s just asking for trouble
Personally I treat the issues that cause me to require mood stabilizers and anti-depressants with the phycs.

After a few bad experiences I stopped taking large doses while I was still taking the pharmies. Once I finally got off them, I find the phycs to be a good or better alternative.