Question about N-P-K

So on the bottle of nutes(grow) i got, (1 part solution) it says 3-2-2.

I was reading that very helpful growing guide by Widow Maker, and he said in there, that during the grow cycle, you want about a 20-5-5.

Does that mean i need to add in something extra to get to that level? Can that be done just by increasing the amount of nutes I give my plants?

Or does it require another source altogether to get that 20-5-5.
No you don't need to add anything extra if ifs a one part 3-2-2 is fine me? personally I wouldn't anything like 20-5-5 to big of? a n N number fome wilill just mess things up
OK, so i would be just fine using this one part 3-2-2.. thats good to know.

Any advice on any extras you anyone thinks i should throw in during my vegetative cycle? With this simple one part nute solution work for growing? or is there something else i need for this to work?
There is always more u can spend ur money on but if u don't just make sure u PH ur water and feed her when she is hungry
yah just use your 3-2-2. im using 7-7-7 plant food and imma use it my whole grow. ull be just fine its just less concentrated
Ok, so if i wanted to go bare bones, i could use just this. and if i wanted to spend the money i can get some boosters and additives to increase my plants and yields. thats good to know thx.
I recently started this past weekend and have some problems already. one of my plants has a magnesium deficiency. the only one thats on a hydro system right now. so i switched out the nutes for some others that had more magnesium in it. i'm also using some epsom salts spray.

so thats why i thought my 3-2-2 mite be missing something.
What is you nute schedule?

If you noticed the nute levels 3-2-2. It is low for a reason... your able to give a dose every week.
When using those off the shelf big box brands.. Schultz, Miracle grow etc. They are really High like 10-14-10 , 24, x ,x
These are really strong and can burn the hell out of your plants. They will build up faster in your soil.
That's why they say once a month feeding etc.

I have had successful grows with this type of stuff by reducing the amount added to my water.

It can be done..check my journal if you like to see how they came out.

Now I use organic.

Good luck on your grow.
No. Ur plant is not deficient in mag its only a week old don't spray it with Epsom salt salt and over feed and water it when its all young that's probley ur problem
if you just wanna throw some stuff in your feeding schedule, try some unsulfered blackstrap molasses.. @ one tablespoon per gallon.
more details about my setup:

I'm running a hydro drip system. with expanded clay pellets.
I bought three plants from my local dispensary.
A small clone (mango Kush) that is about 6" tall. they said it was a few weeks old. 2 plants about 14"-16" tall (Blue Dream & purple afhgoo) all came rooted in soil. i transplanted the small clone to hydro and started it on my drip system. (this is the plants i believe has the mag problem.) it started showing signs about 3 days after i transplanted it. i based what i believe to be a mag problem based off jorge cervantes "grower's bible." the signs on the plant seemed to indicated a magnesium deficiency.

As for my other two large plants i kept them in soil, but took 3 clones from the purple (1 for a new mother to be used in my hydro system, the other 2 i intend to flower) and i took 1 clone from the blue dream to start a new mother. I took the clones sunday night.

[i'll take some photos and post them on here soon]

as of right now, i am just watering my two large plants while my little clone is on the drip system. it gets turned on 3 times a day. so every 8 hours. and i've been leaving my veg lights on for nearly 24 hours a day. (2- 4ft T5's)

I started that clone out with "BC- Pure blend pro (grow)" once i believed it had a mag problem i switched out the nutes for "aurora soul synthetics" which i had gotten for free, so i had it lying around. it has 1.0% magnesium, where is BC's only had 0.5%. i changed it out two days ago, ans started using that spray yesterday. (2% solution)

Then just today when i got home from work, i noticed that my blue dream plants seems to have gotten some small yellow dots, and there are a few dark "smudges" on a few leaves, i thought something had gotten on the plant, but the dark spots are part of the leaves.

Man, lol, less then a week in, and already hitting rough waters. lol.

oh yes, just to round things out. my veg room(which is a covered closet. has an average temp about 78-79 and the humidity around 60%. same thing goes for my flowering tent, (growlab 145). last night was the first night i left the 600watt light got for 12 hours. it stayed about 78.8 degree the entire night. humidity around 60%.

I'll go take some pictures, let me know if you need some more details.

thanks guys.
as you can see, the small clone in the red pot is the one i'v been having problems with. ever since i transplanted it from soil to hydro, it hasn't been doing to well. the spray has been leaving alot of salt build up on the leaves, and thats only after 1 days of using it.

the new plant has some weird bark spots, they were alot darker this morning. not sure what they are, according to this book i have, it sounds a little like phosphorus deficiency.

the larger plants are in soil as you can see. I'm not sure how old of how good that soil is. but i'm not to concerned about it, seeing how that i plan to do a hydrop system, and once i clone these plants out, i'm just going to flower what is left if possible. and be done with them.

the 4 clones you see, i took on sunday. been misting them a few times a day with distilled water. and misting the inside of the dome. I have no idea if these guys are going to make it, of if this is common with clones after just a few days.

and last you can see my one and only seedling. god bud...... god i hope it come out right. lol.