question about plants . calcium deficiency?


1.jpg2.jpg11.jpg22.jpgthinking this might be a calcium deficiency other then the other plant being a little over watered it seems like it is starting to do the same
ph is 6.5 temp and humidity are good what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's what it looks like to me bro. Early stages of calcium def. I would dose with some cal-mag, and that should fix the problem. I keep my Ph around 6-6.3, I just recently had the same issue with one of my 20 some odd strains I have going! :mrgreen: although one that was having problems had (M) mag def, so I just took some good ol' episom salt & added 2 teaspn to a gln of water dosed her with that, aswell as taking some of the mixture & putting into my spray bottle & misting off her leaves aswell. This morning I couldn't see any sign of (M) def at all..

Check them out. Links in the signature, just go to the few last pg's to see them.. ;) let me know what you think... hey! Also, I have a "guessing game" going! I picked a strain & started germing her yesterday, I didn't tell anyone what I picked, that's up to everyone to guess the strain!! I will continue to drop small hints everyday as to what strain I went with. The winner that guesses right will receive (2) FREE gifts from me.... ;) hope 2 see you there..


well sience i posted last i got some cal mag and ive dosed here 3 or 4 times with no luck im thinking it has to be a nitrogen decency.