Question about preflowers


As this is only my second grow and my plants did not show any preflowers until switching to flower on my first grow I have a question. I have had my lights on 24/0 since I started the seeds(blue dream feminized and silver haze feminized) 7 weeks ago. I cut the lights back to 18/6 about 5 days ago and all the plants are shooting out preflowers! I am thinking maybe because they are feminized? anyway im completely happy now I can veg them a bit longer :)


So what exactly is your question?
Damn sorry I just woke up and already smoked a few bowls :)
So the question is, did cutting the lights from 24/0 to 18/6 cause the preflowers?
My first grow I did 24/0 till i switched to 12/12 and like i said i had no preflowers.
or is it because I am using feminized seeds compared to bagseeds?


Well-Known Member
No, plants will show sex when they mature regardless of light period.
And you can veg as long as you want providing you don't go lower than 14 hr light.


No, plants will show sex when they mature regardless of light period.
And you can veg as long as you want providing you don't go lower than 14 hr light.
I vegged the bag seeds just as long and got no preflowers. I just maybe thought i could do the same light schedule again next grow to get them to show preflowers again before switching to flower. maybe im just too high


Well-Known Member
I vegged the bag seeds just as long and got no preflowers. I just maybe thought i could do the same light schedule again next grow to get them to show preflowers again before switching to flower. maybe im just too high
Plants will trigger once sexualy mature, it doesnt matter what the light cycle is. Genetics can play a role, as each strain will mature at different times. It is possible that your bag ceed was not sexually mature yet, or that the preflowers were much smaller based on genetics and you may not have noticed.