Question about RO storage tank


Well-Known Member
I have been using a 5 stage RO system for a while now, and lately i seem to have less time to collect the water I need. My RO storage tank is about 2.5 Gallons, and I use it to fill up 1 five gallon bucket at a time (and I use 25-30 gallons of RO water a week).

I was wanting to know if anyone has upgraded their RO tank from a smaller tank, to a larger one, and if I bought a new one, if it would connect to my current system.

I have this RO system:

and I need to know if this tank will fit it, before i spend my money.

It looks like it should, but I want to be sure before I buy it. Any advice would help.

Thanks for reading my post!

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
You can use as big a tank as you want. I don't use em for RO, but as pressure tanks for mist delivery. I use a 19 gallon, and its awesome. Your pump will thank you.


Active Member
I wouldn't bother spending that kinda money on only a 5g tank, you'll most likely be needing a good bit more. I picked up a water softener/brine tank at my local water filter store for less than $200, it's capacity is just over 100g. Just be sure not to use a submersible pump in the storage tank as it will get mineral/algae build-up over time and will lead to problems. Use an inline "demand" style pump to pull water out of the tank.
But to answer your question, yes you can hook up any size tank to your system.