Question about roots that emerge out from the bottom of rockwool


I started my plants in Jiffy pellets, the roots were too quick and popped out of the bottom in only a few days, so I stuck them in larger rockwool.
However now only days later the roots are once again sticking out of the bottom.

The issue is that the roots aren't long enough to hit any water yet from the bottom, however if I water the top of the rockwool its not enough for it to soak down and reach the bottom...

So I'm at a bit of a loss, should I leave them in trays and just let the roots grow out of the bottom and wander about the tray, hiding them under a few layers of rockwool?

Maybe I should let the bottoms dry out a little so the plant tries elsewhere for roots?

I'm just not too sure how to water them from underneath if they are going into hydroton, the water level just doesn't reach high enough, and watering top down isn't working either.


i have the same kinda problem i started off in 1 inch RW and when roots shot out put it in 6x6 RW cube and now i got roots out the bottom of that too dnt no if its a good idea to leave them sitting in the bottom of the tray or not or transplant in to a DWC or soil?


New Member
go ahead and plant them how you are going to grow them as soon as you get any roots, I find there is no need to wait and depending on their conditions it can slow things down if you leave them in cubes. This is not a problem you two have, It is a good thing you got roots so fast now its time to take advantage of it.

jack ripa

Active Member
Don't worry about the roots getting some air. As long as the res is bubbling and they are heading that way you are gonna be fine. Maybe I don't understand. Take a pic of your setup. If you have roots heading elsewhere you need to get the netpots or whatever down further so the roots don't go completely dry in the light.