Question about smoking this 'incense' I got with my vape.

Bought a vape yesterday (the original vaporbrothers vaporizer) and smoked up with the guy that sold it to me (really chill guy, smoked me up :] ) and then with some of my buddys. Then tried to experiment with the ClearAroma bowl that came with it; looks just like a spoon bowl except the bowl is HUGE and it's closed off to the rest of the pipe. Stuck the incense in there and nothin for hours. I wanted to try setting up the incense like I do with the weed, but figured Id ask about the incense's ingredients first.

Dalmation Sage
Lemon Balm

Does anyone have any experience with any of these? Any information would be great.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
dont know about the dog sage

but lavender helps with sleep, and is relaxing

and peppermind and spearmint have other medicinal properties as well

you could probably look up the vaporization temp of the herbs