question about temperature


Active Member
Ok so i just built my first flowering room and was wondering about the temp. I have a 8.5'x4.5'x7' room with a 1000w hps. i checked the temp from 20in away from the light and it is a consistent 85 degrees (humidity 35-40%) is that to hot for my plants? the room itself is in the low 80s tops. just wondering if that's to hot and if so how far to keep my plants from the light. BTW the plants are White Widow clones. any advice is appreciated :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Throw in a fan or two (oscillating) to help strengthen your plants, and cool stuff down.


Well-Known Member
Place your hand on top of your plants and check, if your arm gets hot, then rise lamp higher, find the right height when your arm is ok, then your plants will be ok. 85 degrees is top temp., use fans to move air, then you will get cooler temp in room.


Active Member
Wow! thanks for the feedback. I have a oscillating fan in the room to move the air. I'm using a 6" air cooled hood with a stanley fan after following a DIY thread. It seems to be doing good, dropped my temps under the light from 95 to 84. there is a lot of negative pressure in the room because i still need a intake fan. any suggestions on a cheap fan?


Well-Known Member
Go passive. pipe (6 inch) leading INTO the grow space with no fan at all.
The exhaust fans will be capable of drawing air through here passively.