Question about this sprout! Sick?


Active Member
  • Hydro or Soil: Soil
  • Type of light? 4 x 27w Daylight CFL's at 2-3" 24/0 Schedule
  • "Atmosphere" Conditions ~90F 1x 120mm Fan cooling lights, 1x 120mm fan for exhaust and 1 x 90mm fan for intake.
  • PH Range Distilled water dont know the PH.
  • Nutrients/Supplements None
  • Design and Dates Sprout has been up for 3 days now.
I've had this sprout up for 3 days now, its at the side of the cup because there was originally one in the middle, but an accidental spill of the cup kill the first.
The sprout looks fine except for the 1st set of true leaves is yellow in the middle of the sprout.
Its about 90F in the grow box and i'm trying as much as i can to get it down some. Being grown in a server case poses heat problems though.
As for the watering schedule i tend to water a couple times a day in small amounts because the heat dries out the soil fairly fast.
The soil type im not fully sure of, i will check later and update this thread with it.

My question is this:
Is the yellowing of the sprouts center cause by the heat, or overwatering, or something else?

