Question about Tolerance...


Well-Known Member
So i've been blazing literally everyday for the past 5 years up until last June when I went completely dry and had to wait 3 months for my grow. I thought the period of depravation would make my tolerance much lower, but when I lighted that first joint, good as it was, it still didn't capture that "high" from my earlier days.

Is getting back to that even possible?

What are your experiences with going off weed for a while in regards to tolerance?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I find that if I don't toke for a long time, it's like my mind is no longer familiar with the herb. I mean I feel different, but I don't get the same warm fuzzy feelings I do when I toke up on the regular.

Kind of how like the first time you try to get high it your like, "am i high? i feel normal..."

Tolerance goes down though dude, the longer you go without a smoke the higher you get when you do smoke. You gotta give the cannabinoid receptors in your brain a break every once in a while.


Active Member
I believe it is simply because of the relatively long length of time that you had been smoking prior to the smokeless 3 months. I would expect the wait time to be alot longer for someone who's been going good for 5 years.

For instance, I have been smoking everyday for about a year and a half, and I would expect my wait time to be 3 months for me to get back to the old days...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I believe it is simply because of the relatively long length of time that you had been smoking prior to the smokeless 3 months. I would expect the wait time to be alot longer for someone who's been going good for 5 years.

For instance, I have been smoking everyday for about a year and a half, and I would expect my wait time to be 3 months for me to get back to the old days...
By wait do you mean no more THC in your system?


Well-Known Member
Dont agree with Repeat. I smoked almost every day for 2 years and it usually only takes me a week to lose my tolerance but it comes back quick.


Well-Known Member
never went past a week w/o smokin.....coldnt tell ya but i think eventually tolerance willl go down

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Dont agree with Repeat. I smoked almost every day for 2 years and it usually only takes me a week to lose my tolerance but it comes back quick.

Figure that your urine is what evacuates the THC right?

Detection Period in Urine
1-6 days (single use) Detection Period in Urine
3-9 days (weekly use) Detection Period in Urine
7-30 days (daily use)

When THC is no longer present in your urine it's safe to assume that it's completely gone right?


Active Member
Dont agree with Repeat. I smoked almost every day for 2 years and it usually only takes me a week to lose my tolerance but it comes back quick.
well i know you can experience that, ive experienced that before to. what im referring to is getting back to the time when your tolerance is so low and stays low...


Well-Known Member
I smoked for about 8 years straight, took one year off due to moving and no money, now have smoked again for about 4 years with little breaks now and then.

When I went without for a year and smoked again it was in fact like the first time I smoked, but it all depends on if you get the same quality both times.

Breaks of 4-6 weeks also produces just about the same effects.

One week breaks or less are also pretty good, and just fine for me.

But tolerance goes right back up, just as quickly, depending on the amount you smoke. The length of break only makes a slight difference, but the reason why is because you smoke less at first and still get really high, therefore there's less THC going into your system in the beginning. When the amount you smoke picks back up then your tolerance goes up. The trick is to keep yourself from smoking too much too soon. If you can take it slow your tolerance will stay lower a lot longer. Especially if you take a day off, or just smoke every other day the first time you come back to it after a break.


Well-Known Member
it isn't about thc in your blood or anything . . .

it's about the down-regulation of your cannabinoid receptors in your brain due to smoking.

if you smoke hella for 5 years . .. I'd say it'd take 6 months to totally restore your receptors back to their pre-cannabis state.

you could have thc out of your system for months, its the receptors themselves that have to recover.

that's why I maintain a consistent level of vaporizing and never overdo it. . . . I have a feeling smoking might mess with your tolerance differently than vaping but that's a whole other issue.

I get high as hell all the time as I restored my tolerance to a great level that I can live with for the rest of my life. that's all you really need to do.

I'll elaborate more if you need me to.