Question about veg times and pot size


Well-Known Member
After lots of hassle I can finally get growing again. I got a 4x8 tent with 2 600s both in xxl magnum hoods 6" fan cooling lifts and 8" with filter venting the tent. Temps are solid at 73f with light on.I have 18 purple chemdog clones rooting now and was wondering how long should I veg and what would be a good pot size. Before this I was doing vert grow a in a bigger spot growing 7ft trees in 20 gallon pots with 3 month veg so I'm kinda lost now lol any opinions or advice would be great


Active Member
2 month veg, 5 gal buckets. They will get 3-4 feet tall, u can get away with a 2 1/2 month veg with them.


Well-Known Member
It seems like 2 month veg time is way to much for this cut. It's a fast vegger. In two months it will already be 3-4 tall and bushy as hell. I veg under a 600 mh. I was thinking 2-4 week veg and still go with 5 gallon pots