question about watering when putting germinated seeds into a final pot of soil

I have a grow log started with more details and pictures. I have seeds germinating now and and am wondering. I have 5 gallon fabric pots with a mix of FFOF and HF with a spot for the seedlings to start in the center that is pure HF. Both of these soils are fresh out of the bags yesterday. I did mist them on top just lightly and have them sitting in my grow tent at 75F 70RH. Hoping in the next few days to have enough tap roots to get into soil. They are in paper towel now.

So to my question(s). Should I be wetting my soil some before transplant? Not touch until transplant? and when I pop them in the soil how much water and when for this early seedling stage?
I read somewhere that about a shot glass worth of water is right for a newly planted seedling. Is that about right or would mine be more maybe because of being in a full size pot? More again for fabric? Anybody?


Well-Known Member
I think as long as you're replicating "early spring time" you're good. The range is pretty broad. As long as the roots don't actually get dry or stay soaking wet, they'll be fine. You can get away without watering at all at transplant if you do everything well and the soil is already at a suitable moisture level. I like your idea of making a seedling zone with the pure HF, I just mentioned that to someone the other day.
I'll go check out your grow log..
What I ended up doing was prolly about half a solo cup. A decent shot from a gallon jug really. Enough to get moisture in the soil. This was before planting my tap root showing seeds this morning. Since then I have only sprayed with spray bottle mist to keep the surface nice and damp. Repeating when I see it lightening up. Late tomorrow or early next morning I will probably do about that again. I think there is plenty of soil to absorb it. First grow so I guess I'm just nervous about under or over doing it.


Well-Known Member
Be very careful they don't need much water as seedlings. I usually just lightly mist the soil once a day. But I start in smaller containers.