QUESTION and update


Hi all. Just posting n update of my plants. I have had a issue with under feeding the plants where killing themselves bye self mutilation !! but on the recovery now thx to RIU. I moved my ph down to 5.6 range and a ppm 800. It worked.out fantastic. I also blacked oit my buckets with black duct tape and on top i used black but covered that with.white duct tape. I also got a smalll humidifier which has been keeping my RH at 65-70% . I also pot a small fan at top to help stir the air with all tje extra humidity.

Is the yellowing of.the leafs do to not enough N ?? I did use more call mag than my botanicare pro grow.

These plants are 7 weeks from seed on monday. When should i put them to 12/12 i assume give them another week of aka recovery time but even from then when should the switch take place ??

Thx for any and all help/ comments. Happy growing and happy new year !!

The first 3 are of the yellowing leafs. Its on plant 2 and some of the stems are red. Not on the other plants tho. I have 1 blue mystic and 2 bubblicious

What was your PH at before you lowered it? I often get similar issues with low EC nutes during the start of my crop. If the pH is out of whack the plants are locked out from the little nutes they have in the res.
Yup, lockout. My plants do the same thing when i get lazy with my testing. Those leaves will never recover but the plants will be fine. Just clip off the bad ones after you get a few more nodes. Any damaged or dying leaves invite pests.


Ya i started taking off the real bad leafs the other day. I stopped so i didnt stress them to much i will clip all the other bad ones tomorrow. You know if the yellowimg on leafs is cuz of not enough N ???
Agreed, your T5 lights can be 3-6 inches above those ladies. The photons aren't powerful enough to have much benefit from that high up.


I keep the lights like 2" away. I just back off to take pics. Thanks for the.concern though. Much appreciated