question Colloidal Silver not working...


i ordered some colloidal silver online i got the 240 ppm and diluted it down to 60-80 ppm i started using it on 2 plants the day i switched the lights and i am now on week 2 of using it, and i am seeing female flowers but no pollen sacks... up untill last week there was no new growth so i thought id back off to every other day now im getting female buds but nothing else... dose it take longer for the male pods to start showing? did i do something wrong any help would be awsome.


did your plant wilt or start to look shitty? Have you been soaking the plant with the CS solution or giving it little whispy srays?


Well-Known Member
There is a thread on here with a guy named "trousers" I believe. He shows the Terisia's mist colloidal silver spray in a journal.
He applied the spray daily for the period recommended on the bottle, and achieved desired results.
Other posts that followed from others showed examples of ways they had applied the colloidal silver.
They had mixed results.

Some saw pollen sacks and even preflowers and stopped the application in anticipation of pollen and none followed.

Others sprayed until swollen nanners emerged and considered the spray effective and quit also.

The only one who had success was the user who continued to apply the recommended dose until he had exhausted the contents, or for a two week period
I'm too lazy for the link, but it is an excellent journal
Try searching Terisia's mist
good luck with that, I am about to begin an application myself. Keep us posted. :?


Well-Known Member
I use home made colloidal silver at -30ppm and havent had any issues with reversing. The important thing to do is to spray twice a day and make sure you see the pistles turn brown and look like theyre dying back. I also water with colloidal silver once or twice during the reversing process to make sure it turns. Normally when I start the process it's before flowers show, if done when starting to flower you won't see full reversal till almost the end of flowearing. The pollen won't be done till the end of the flower cycle. It's better to reverse clones and before they start pre flowering .


thx guys , also RockyMtnMan ive read that entire grow journal red eyes to prove it, ill move up to twice a day see if it helps, at first these ladies showed the same signs as he had in the journal but now they seem to be taking off into bud. some of the pistils are dying but some are not, i really need some pollen man i got a bunch of outdoor ladies about to start budding within the month id really like to make some seeds this year i tried to plan it out right putting my clones into flower almost a month ago but for some reason im having trouble maybe im just not patent enough. anyone know a place to get a little pollin? if i cant make my own