question for anyone who can help?


Active Member
Ok, here I am 2 months into a grow and plants are 40inches tall. the problem is I havent cut the lights back yet... I am finally ready to do so but I only have 8inches of grow height left. I know I have to top them, this would be the second time, but how much should I take off and how long should I wait after to cut lights?
any help would be appreciated....thanks Jtime


100% Authentic A$$Hole
hmmmm well you should definatly start to flower now, and I can assure you that you will run out of grow room if you only have 8 inches to spare...Your plants will at least double if not triple their height in flowering:peace:


Well-Known Member
strings and wires for this one please:lol: you haven't started to flower yet? good, then top it of by at least a foot, drastic measure i know but you got some drastic stretch too. and then see that it rather grows only sideways and not up again. you getting there by tying every fresh grow and branch downwards;)


Active Member
thanks, I know I should have flowered a month ago but I wasnt ready soooo... Sigh.... I have to do something here.I just didnt know how much to take off and how long should I wait to cut the lights after I top..


New Member
i posted in your other thread...but this awnsers my ? that i had put 40 inches thats pretty big befor flower you got any pics...are they streched real bad...those plants are gonna hit 5-6 feet....


Well-Known Member
more like 10'. Clone it. Study lst, sog, fim, etc. I had the same problem with my first plants. I was having my electrical service upgraded and this few hour project turned into about 4 weeks before it was done. I had to move the plants into a field across the street from my house. I put them behind a bush the was about seven feet tall. By the time I was ready to move them back inside they were taller than the bush. You are going to have fun. VV


Active Member
no stretch on these babies... they are full all the way to the top.. pics I'll have to work on..