The most current mix is in the somewhere in the page 40's range of the super soil thread.
Please read through the super soil thread and take some notes, you will find most ?s answered there.
I read it twice actually and took a page of note and noted page #s and what I wanted to review on that page.
Looking at those note, check page 43 in the Super Soil thread
Just got my first TGA beans (they sent the wrong ones
) but either way its TGA BABY!
I am excited to get them in the ground, I am sharing a couple with some friends who grow for medical patients
here in MI as well.... I wish I ordered more (ordered a dozen!) and wish I got a couple of the ones I really wanted but
turns out they were out by the time they (NOT TGA!) got around to shipping my order so just substituted them with other
TGA strains (hey they were at least TGA substitutes so I can't complain really)
Only thing I am really considering running other than TGA is a White Rhino.... Some patients have really been asking
and I recently got some Blue Dream from Cali and WOW this was like it was coated with powered sugar!!!