question for the future


Active Member
ive read quite a bit with my time here on riu and being a guy i just know nothing about gardening
im sure most of you went through this when you got into growing talking to others about plants and finding it relative but awkward
to be comparing tulips and cannabis but me my mother n law and neighbor do it just about ever day now and i still have this problem

the nutrients/feeding
i know nothing about plants or gardening for that matter and there not much help
idk if its because they are women i know or just women in general
its like they just dont understand what im asking them
anyways i know i have to get my plants nutrients and i know they need food more than just when i give them a new pot
but how do i do that
is it a liquid i squirt in there or something i mix with a soil and have to do that process i hate to do cause im scared im gonna hurt the roots
or is it just something i sprinkle on the top water it and it soaks down?

so new to this plant thing
all help is greatly appreciated

Illegal Smile

All those threads at the top of the page are there for you to read up on the basics. Then you can ask specific questions and get answers.


Well-Known Member
Just be carfull. Everything we do to make plants better is also a surefire way to make them worst or die.

plants will start showing that you effed them up on there smallest weakest places. The tips of leaves is a good place to watch to see if you messed them up. Start seeing tips turning color stop all nutes...not cut back stop.

start nutes slow never mix it how it says at first. Do half of what it says or less. get it use to it before using full nutes
and always water fulley between nutes to flush salts out.


Active Member
Just be carfull. Everything we do to make plants better is also a surefire way to make them worst or die.

plants will start showing that you effed them up on there smallest weakest places. The tips of leaves is a good place to watch to see if you messed them up. Start seeing tips turning color stop all nutes...not cut back stop.

start nutes slow never mix it how it says at first. Do half of what it says or less. get it use to it before using full nutes
and always water fulley between nutes to flush salts out.

i dont think yall get what im saying
i feel retarded
i know to mix one fourth strength nutrients because my plants WILL die if i do what the instructions say
my thing is i dont know what nutrients are at all
do i mix them in the soil before i put the plant in
do i put them on top of the soil and then water
do i mix it in the water
im not a gardener and ive never grown a plant in my life

so im not really sure where im going on the nut thing from reading grow journals it sounds like its a must

got 2 plants that are stunted and are 3 weeks this weekend so i would like to try to spring them up once they get nice and healthy again



Well-Known Member
You need to mix most nutes with water and use that mix to water the plants. Some people like to use nuted water every watering. But that can cause a salt buildup. Search fox farms. I dont use no nutes at all.