Question for the heavy smokers about vaporizers


Hi all,

I'm reading a lot about vaporizers online and I wonder what heavy smokers thinks about vaporizers high...
as for now, I'm smoking about 1-1.5 grams per day with a homemade bong and I just ordered my 1st vaporizer waiting it to arrive (extreme q), but I still wonder what the heavy smokers thinks about vaporizers ? do you find vaporizers knocking you down like bongs ?
I know the volcano is the leading desktop vaporizer, but I heard and read many good things about the EQ + it got the whip option.

also I wonder if vaporizers really save you weed ?

i use the extreme Q also..its a great vape for the money....the high is different than a get a body high and a head high...and it depends solely on the quality of the bud also...I am very happy with it....I cant take the choke and cough of bongs no more....some mornings i just fill one of the bags you get and drive to work hitting on can use the big turkey bags also...when home I just relax in my chair fire it up...low fan speed..I put a shut off on the end of the whip so its not blowing out while I an pauseing a bit....i forget what temp i use..but you can play around with it..i want to say either 292 or 392..but works well....
Vapes get me just as fooked up as combustion, but without the tarry / funky taste.

They DO have a learning curve though, and they can seem like a pain in the ass at first, but once you get your draw technique / temp setting down, they're well worth the hassle IMO.

My preferred technique is to run my vape hose into my bong as it allows me to see exactly how much I'm getting, and the quality / "thickness" of the vapor cloud. Once that bong gets filled with thick delicious vapor, away it goes down the lungs....and straight to the head.

As far as using "less" weed, well, that's up to you, but I generally use less in the bowl and vape it only once so as to get the "first hit" flavors that I enjoy so much, and then I save the "already been vaped" weed in a jar for either edibles, or "emergencies". You can't do that with combusted weed because all you have left are ashes.

Allow yourself some legitimate time to get used to your vape, and try the "route that bitch into a bong" technique, and I think you'll enjoy the hell out of vaping and never combust again, or at least LIMIT the amount of combustion you do.

Best of luck.
i use the extreme Q also..its a great vape for the money....the high is different than a get a body high and a head high...and it depends solely on the quality of the bud also...I am very happy with it....I cant take the choke and cough of bongs no more....some mornings i just fill one of the bags you get and drive to work hitting on can use the big turkey bags also...when home I just relax in my chair fire it up...low fan speed..I put a shut off on the end of the whip so its not blowing out while I an pauseing a bit....i forget what temp i use..but you can play around with it..i want to say either 292 or 392..but works well....

i have the same vape, it sits under my bed with all of the dust bunnies... i hate vaping, the high is much different then combustion, and imvho, much weaker then my roor...
roor ftw, i can't express it enough..
i have the same vape, it sits under my bed with all of the dust bunnies... i hate vaping, the high is much different then combustion, and imvho, much weaker then my roor...
roor ftw, i can't express it enough..

You ever route your whip into your roor and taken a full bongs worth of thick white vapor goodness?
i have the same vape, it sits under my bed with all of the dust bunnies... i hate vaping, the high is much different then combustion, and imvho, much weaker then my roor...
roor ftw, i can't express it enough..
I'm with you. Vaporizers leave me chasing that dragon, never getting there.

I think it's due to poor decarboxylation due to lower temps.
I'm with you. Vaporizers leave me chasing that dragon, never getting there.

I think it's due to poor decarboxylation due to lower temps.

yeah, i feel the same about vapes for tabacco as well.. my gf bought me a nice e hooka, and i've tried it, hundreds of times even, and idk, i don't get the same thing from it that i get from my newports..
yeah, i feel the same about vapes for tabacco as well.. my gf bought me a nice e hooka, and i've tried it, hundreds of times even, and idk, i don't get the same thing from it that i get from my newports..

I can understand what you say, but the object of vaping (e-cigs) is to quit tobacco, I've smoked cigs for more than 40 years and now I'm struck down with COPD, no fun unable to breath, but vaping mj I agree, it's not the same, I'd rather combust my buds.
I can understand what you say, but the object of vaping (e-cigs) is to quit tobacco, I've smoked cigs for more than 40 years and now I'm struck down with COPD, no fun unable to breath, but vaping mj I agree, it's not the same, I'd rather combust my buds.

yeah, i get that dee, and tbh, i haven't really made up my mind to quit cigs, so i guess to me, the ecig is pretty pointless.. but again, to me vap'ing, even the ecig, isn't the same as smoking a cig, but i guess that's the point after all, which is lost on me of course..
yeah, i get that dee, and tbh, i haven't really made up my mind to quit cigs, so i guess to me, the ecig is pretty pointless.. but again, to me vap'ing, even the ecig, isn't the same as smoking a cig, but i guess that's the point after all, which is lost on me of course..

Do yourself a favor my friend, quite while you can, have no idea how old you are but by the time you get my age you will regret the yrs you've spend slowly poisoning your body., Live long and prosper!
I've spent more on vapes in the last 5 years than I have ever intended, .it took me ages to dial it in correct, then only to brake my babe ..!!!!
best is the one from Germany, volcano...I should think cheaper models are out now ...just try and get insurance for it
Thanks for the reply guys, but still, try to be more specific, how much do you smoke daily and do you find vaporizers knocking you down as bongs ?
I don't care about e-cig, because I don't smoke cigarettes I just wonder what the heavy smokers think about vaporizers and does vaporizers can knock down as bongs ?
i have the same vape, it sits under my bed with all of the dust bunnies... i hate vaping, the high is much different then combustion, and imvho, much weaker then my roor...
roor ftw, i can't express it enough..

This for me as well (although I'll take a joint over a bong any day). My volcano has sat unused for many a moon. Probably been used a dozen times since i bought it about 3 years ago.