Question for the Hemp Oil makers


Well-Known Member
I've seen several articles where they say to distill the ISO mixture for cpl hrs then evaporate off til you get nothing but oil.
Then i've seen the equal amount of articles that don't mention the distilling, just the heat to evap the ISO.
Other than the extra step of distillation, is there any diff in the end product between the 2?


Well-Known Member
adding heat to your mixture will convert the THC and other cannabinoids from there acid form to there non-acid form. THC and Cannabinoids in there acid form, are not very solvent in most solvents. By converting them you'd get a higher percentage of extracted material. How much higher? depends on your solvents some solvents like chlorform have a 98% extraction rate.
you can heat your material in an oven. 120F for ten minutes will have the same results as refluxing your solution for a couple of hours.
IMO I'd use Butane. its a better solvent than Isopropyl, its safer, easier to evaporate at a low temp. leaves no residue. doesn't extract the chlorophyll and sugars like most other solvents would. Instead of hash oil you have Honey oil. its about 100x's better than the hash oil. The down side, unless you have some fancy lab equipment there never going to reclaim the butane.


Well-Known Member
when dealing with extremely explosive and flammable liquids off gassing in an oven could result in a very big BOOM! followed by your body flying past a 707 in the sky, lol

serious, always evaporate outside and use a hot plate or hot water. or just leave it outside and it will evap, just scrape it as it gets gooey to release more gas. A good test is to put a flame to it, if it burns not good, if it bubbles your good. If it burns you did not cook it long enough.. Here a couple pix of what I do at the edge of the garage, notice the fan

