Question from Noob

OK i have my sites set on getting a 400w mh/hps light the only thing is that it will be in a closed closet I plan on getting a fan to circulate the air inside and getting a small air purifier.Do you guys think this will work? or will it get too hot what do you think???thanks


Well-Known Member
You need to pull the heat out of the closet with some ducting. A 400 will get the air temp probably get high, unless it's a pretty big walk in style closet.


Well-Known Member
I run a 600 in mine and it stays around 80 with door close, filter,fan pushing through light to another room.


Well-Known Member
I have one in a small closet and on days that it is warm outside I have to keep door open when lights are on. What is the temp in the rest of the house?


Active Member
OK i have my sites set on getting a 400w mh/hps light the only thing is that it will be in a closed closet I plan on getting a fan to circulate the air inside and getting a small air purifier.Do you guys think this will work? or will it get too hot what do you think???thanks
Ventilation of your MMJ growing space is the next very important consideration. Without ventilation your grow room with get much too hot and very humid, damaging your plants and allowing the odor to escape.

When considering which type of ventilation system to use, you should remember that the air which is expelled must also be replaced. As hot air rises it is best to fit your extraction system as close as possible to the top of your growing space and place your intake near the bottom, allowing cool air to enter. The air intake vent should be slightly larger than the extraction vent. This will allow the incoming air to enter more slowly, mix more efficiently and allows your extraction fan to operate better.

The power of the extraction system you need is determined by the size of your growing space. You will need a system that can remove the volume of your grow room 2 or 3 times every minute. First you need to calculate the volume of the growing area then purchase a fan with enough power to remove this volume of air at least twice per minute.

If the temperature in your grow room is too low during lights-out time, it is possible to link the extraction system to the timer system for the lights so that the fans do not run during dark time. This should help to maintain optimal temperature in the grow room.

As MMJ is a very smelly plant, you will want to minimize the odor escaping from your growing space. This can be achieved using a carbon scrubber. This is simply an expansion chamber covered with an active carbon air filter. It needs to have a large exhaust to allow the air to pass freely though the filter, enabling your fan to work to full capacity.


Well-Known Member
either way you cant run any hid in any closet unventilated. you should consider cfls or see if you can buy a new closet door you can cut hole in, take the one on off and put it aside, put yours on cut holes and vent. to hide your holes buy a burlap sack, stretch it over a frame, staple it all around the edge, take it to a grafitti artist homie and have em paint you a mural on it. hang that fucker up. youll have a breathable concealing piece of local art.