Question on Feeding Schedule


Active Member
Hey guys!

I just got in some G13 Haze seeds and was wondering about my nutes.

I will be using Dutch Gold A and B

Does anyone know a good schedule to feed the ladies? The bottle just gives one dosage- 50 ml per 2.65 gallons

I was hoping someone would give me a bit more insight on the situtation. Also if anyone has any good ideas for other additives and the ratio to combine them, ive got some xtra coins to spend.

Thanks guys!

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Ok here is one of the Dutch Master feeding schedules. All info is courtesy of Lady Zandra at Planet Skunk


ONE Grow= $9 (usd)
ONE Flower=$9
MAX Grow=$16
MAX Flower=$16
Silica :$22 (strengthens plants cellular structure and increases blooming)

Optional Supplements:
Penetrator: $25 (Used with foliar sprays, allows the plant to absorb & use foliar sprays to max)
Folitech Grow & Flower $32 each (Foliar sprays developed to maximize photosynthesis in veg & blooming in 12/12)

PHASIC: (per gallon)

Week one begins when clones are rooted & planted, or when seedlings have 3 sets of true leaves

Week One: 14tsp One GROW + 2tsp Max Grow
Week 3 add: 4 tsp One GROW + 1tsp Silica
Day 1 of 12/12: Flush & refill adding: 18 tsp One Flower + 2tsp Max Flower + 1 tsp Silica
Week 5 of 12/12: 4 tsp One Flower

WEEKLY: (per gallon)

Week 1: 14tsp One Grow +2tsp Max Grow
Week 2: 16tsp One Grow + 2tsp Max Grow
Week 3: 18tsp One Grow + 2tsp Max Grow
Week 4*: 20 tsp One Grow + 2tsp Max Grow + 1tsp Silica
* use this until 12/12 if vegging longer!
Week 1, 2 & 3 of 12/12: 22tsp One Flower + 2 tsp Max Flower + 1 tsp Silica
Week 4: 20 tsp One Flower + 2 tsp Max Flower
Week 5: 14tsp One Flower + 2tsp Max Flower
Week 6: 12tsp One Flower + 2tsp Max Flower + 1 tsp Silica (if need more time till flush, repeat weeks 5 & 6)
When You flush: add 1tsp Silica to 1 gallon of water and use as the final flooding after you flush them well!

Does that help you at all?


Active Member
That is amazing and exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you so much for the info. I am going to try to follow that and hopefully things work out. Thanks guys!


Active Member
I would definitely cut your nutrient use back 1/2 of what is recommended from the company for the first two weeks.. The seedlings are very fragile and too much nutrient right off the bat can kill them. Do this and you will have no fear of any problems with over fertilization.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
That is amazing and exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you so much for the info. I am going to try to follow that and hopefully things work out. Thanks guys!
No worries, Im glad I could help and good luck with the growing.


Active Member
I would definitely cut your nutrient use back 1/2 of what is recommended from the company for the first two weeks.. The seedlings are very fragile and too much nutrient right off the bat can kill them. Do this and you will have no fear of any problems with over fertilization.

Very good point. I usually just give them water until I see the 2nd or 3rd set of leaves ( you know when they actually look like a real plant not just some sprout).

With a g13 haze strain would more ppm be ok? I know some strands can handle upwards of 2500-2800 ppm. Think I could get more yield on those last few weeks of flowering if I pump them?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Slowly increase the ppm level each time and your plant will let you know when it is getting too much nutes so just keep an eye on the leaves for any changes.