question on HPS bulbs


Active Member
I just wanted to know how a HPS bulb runs out, would it gradually loose lumens/power and slowly run out or would it shut off all of a sudden like most other light bulbs?
Im asking for my 400w's sake ...


Well-Known Member
I only know what I've read. My lights are less than a year old, and I expect to get at least another year from them. As I understand it, both MH and HPS lights can look quite normal at some point when they are really no longer putting out sufficient lumens. I intend to just replace them every couple years or x hours. If a bulb is supposed to last 10s of 1000s of hours though, that's years.


Well-Known Member
I had a 250mh that started just blinking and cutting out but I just went out and bought a 400 hps light so dont know if it was the bulb or what but I think thats what happens when your bulb needs replaced:?:


Active Member
well this bulb im using now (just to get my beans out the dirt) until my 250w bulb arrives hopefully tommorow or sat, has been used for 5 or 6 grows prior to this one, going from 18/6 to 12/12.
I have a brand new 400w bulb aslo but i didnt wanna be bringing my saplings into the world under that! thought this old one should be kicking out less power so its easier on them.
But the questions remains how does a HPS bulb let you know when its on the way out?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i've not had a bulb blow on me so i'm not sure. what i can tell you is that even a cheap light meter can give you an indication of whether the bulb is kicking out the same performance. i got my bulb in april of this year, vegged and flowered 2 crops with it and am currently flowering a 3rd crop that was vegged elsewhere. according to my cheapo light meter the bulb appears to have lost just a bit of juice but is still off the chart. i plan on using this meter to replace the bulb when it's obvious that the light is weaker. it's one of those 10 dollar jobs that measures soil moisture and light intensity. there are much more accurate and in depth ones but this one tells me what i need to know just fine. i also noticed that it seems to flicker more when it first turns on than it originally did, but that could just be in my head.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I've read that a digital ballast can wear 'em out faster. I have digital ballasts for my 600s.


Active Member
i've not had a bulb blow on me so i'm not sure. what i can tell you is that even a cheap light meter can give you an indication of whether the bulb is kicking out the same performance. i got my bulb in april of this year, vegged and flowered 2 crops with it and am currently flowering a 3rd crop that was vegged elsewhere. according to my cheapo light meter the bulb appears to have lost just a bit of juice but is still off the chart. i plan on using this meter to replace the bulb when it's obvious that the light is weaker. it's one of those 10 dollar jobs that measures soil moisture and light intensity. there are much more accurate and in depth ones but this one tells me what i need to know just fine. i also noticed that it seems to flicker more when it first turns on than it originally did, but that could just be in my head.
thanks for the insight mate + rep gonna look into a meter. just hope this dual spec 250 bulbs hurrys up!