Ok so i think i got the air dry time down,.. I am now jar curing, how long will it take in the jar to smell better. I have been burping it twice a day. It has been in mason jars for one week.. I want to do a nice slow cure, am i being impatient..?
Nope. The longer you take the better it is. Only "burp" the jar untill it is at desired dryness, and then seal for a few weeks. I usually take about 30 days for my curing process, the first 4-6 days I will open the jar to let out moisture...and then i seal it for 3 weeks.
ohhhh i seeee, i think i have been burping it too much,,i will leave it in now for at least a week before i smell it again,,lol..well i'll try not to pinch anymore,...lol..thank you