Question on LED lights and seedlings

I have two 135w ufo's with 3w chips in my cab (270w total). Would these be too much for 7 day old seedlings with the lights say 20" away? No nutes yet, obviously, just debating whether to stick them in the hydro set up in net pots with hydroton and drip feed plain RO water under the LED's or leave them under the 24w T5 flouro for a while longer.


Well-Known Member
20 inches should be fine for seedlings with LED. i started my seeds directly under a 180w led 24 inches above the soil, and 2 39w t5's blasting them from the sides. worked out great


Well-Known Member
nope no bleaching, just nice healthy growth. you need a lot of light very close up to get bleaching, i dont know much exactly about it, but if there arent a dozen threads about it a day here then it must be pretty rare lol!


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt say accelerated, i have no base line for comparrison really since im on my first grow but it hasnt been slow. i started these all directly in the soil beneath the lights, then never raised it until i added the second led. i didnt get any stretching and ive got nice tight nodes, heres some pics of my plants when they were still young. ill post some newer pics tommorow so u can see what there like now, there all at different stages, the bigger 2 are autoflowers and they were started first, the short ones are photoperiod white widows. the tiniest one had some ph problems so it wasnt growing as fast as the others, its since been corrected and is growing nicely
these are from at least a few weeks ago, im a little stoned so its fuzzy, i know they were before i added my second led though, i added that after the autos started flowering a lot. heres a pic of the setup i took when i put it in, but u cant see the plants that well. but yeah better pics to morrow i promise lol :joint:
2x180w led + 79w of t5 flurosent light. the second LED was added after the plants were 40-50 days old


Well-Known Member
heres some fresh pics. all plants are 50-60 days old. the 2 biggest are poalr express autos, they recieved no training or anything. the short 2 are white widow and cheese widow, they've both been topped twice. grow started under 180w led + 2 39w t5's now has 2 180w leds and the t5's. growing in sea soil container gardening mix and using advanced nutrients sensi nutes. only been giving nutes during the last 2 weeks as the soil i started in was pretty nutrient rich. ive been arainging the bud sites by hand a little and rotating the plants a bit to make sure as many buds as possible are directly exposed to the light


Well-Known Member
good like finding the cheese widow lol, it came as a freebie labled white widow x cheese fem, i still havent figured out what breeder it came from exactly. i emailed seaofseeds to ask, they never wrote back


Well-Known Member
dinafem makes a widow x cheese called white cheese. its probably different from the one you got as a freebie though.


Well-Known Member
well wherever it came from tis going to be a monster. its the bigger bushier of the 2 widows and still has nearly a month let to veg for. going to 12/12 the widows when i harvest the autos. probably transplant into 5g containers for flowering as well