Question on obtaining a RED CARD.


Well-Known Member
Trueno and doogleaf are correct. if u insist on a high count, i suggest keepin 15-25K set aside for the lawyer. it's not cheap defending a high plant#

grow 8' trees that yield 2lbs instead of 4' 1/4lb'ers. more wattage for yield, less headache from 'the man'


Well-Known Member
If the plant count is so low how can one grow enough to open and supply a dispensary one opens....Or is that a whole other license altogether? I just ask because when I arrive I wish to get something set up whether it be opening a dispensary or starting my own research/genetic lines and then supply clones/seeds to other dispensarys....and chef that must have been wild...sounds like a wreck... Did you go flying through a window or off a bike or ?

chef c

Well-Known Member
Into a ford ranger 2x4 if it were a four-by, we wouldn't be having this conversation haha. I was on a ninja zx9r doing about 9000 in third gear. Bike was instantly gone, I thought I was too... But just one of those things, guess it wasn't my time.. I have SEEN guys on bikes die from less.. I still love bikes tho. I guess once you've had a "near life" experience, you kinda get addicted. I love the freedom, challenge, and yes the speed.


You cannot sell to dispensaries in this state (not legally at least), not clones nor seeds nor flowers or any other product.
If you intend to open a dispensary you will have at least $25 k into start up costs with the state, city, county, inspectors etc before you can grow any plants. Plus you have to lived in state for at least a year i believe it is, may be more.
This is not cali, we have strict ass rules in place to keep the black market seperate, plus you might look into what stuff is going for here, not a whole lot of money to be made....


Well-Known Member
After posting that reply I thought I would do a little research......... at

According to the website I would need to live in Colorado for at least 2 years and not be a felon or have any outstanding debt. OK cool step one.

After that I would need to get an MMC plus an OPC license and follow the 70/30 rule.

According to the website having my MMC license gives me the ability to sell seeds to patients and other licensees... I would just need to make sure that I have enough members to have a high enough plant count to have my field testing. So I could have up to 10 plants to pheno hunt or more. And then get in the field and research!

Chef I have had a few friends die from bikes as well :( some were stuntin while others were hit by drunk drivers..... I am very glad that you pulled out ok!


Well-Known Member
it sounds like fun huh? until you get into the meat of it. if you plan on trying to open/operate a MMC, you'll need a lot more then $25K.

- MMED licensing
- permits
- city fees and hurdles
- build costs (if a blank space, expect a min investment of $100K to meet code requirements)
- employee costs
- equipt costs (front end dispensary and the grow. can't have one without the other .....)
- lawyer costs (give him $10K as a retainer, set aside $25K min for future)

when all is said and done, if starting from scratch and needing buildout, expect a min $250K investment. alternately, look for existing spaces that are looking to sell or already vacated due to being shut down or ran out of business by the state, county, city or feds.

the green rush left a long time ago. we are left with a lot mom and pops shops, and a few larger enterprises that are/have bought up some of the mom and pops and continue to grow into bigger entities

good luck.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, and don't make the mistake that a lot of small businesses do, and I've seen it several times in this industry. Have operating expenses for 6months to 1yr in the bank. this may be needed to cover payroll and other expenses if a crop fails, or you don't get the expected yields you wanted, or whatever. more businesses fail due to this then any other reason - not enough $$ in the bank to cover 1st year opening and fluxuations.
IllToxic: I cannot give you medical advice (for that you need to see a doctor)... But I can speak from the standpoint of an ADHD'er who has about 15 years experience with stimulant medications...

It sounds to me that you are being dosed too high... The symptoms you are describing seem to fall in line with what I personally experienced when my doctors had me taking too large of dosages...

It has been documented that there exists a small percentage of ADHD'ers that are hyper-sensitive to the stimulants, and therefore a relatively small dosage (say, 5mg of Ritalin, or 5mg of Adderall 3x daily) will work wonders for these patients...

When I was first diagnosed at 19, I was prescribed these large adult dosages of Dexedrine, Ritalin, etc... and it took a couple of years to "dial-in" my dosing... and strangely enough, I, as a 6'5" big male found the greatest relief of symptoms by taking a 3rd-grader's dosage... but it has worked wonders...

I wish I could speak to the efficacy of cannabis treatment for ADD/ADHD, but I am only now gearing up to move to Colorado for treatment for my MCTD... If the cannabis aids my ADHD (as it is purported to do), well... that will just be an added bonus...