question on when I can use microbes/nutrients

Alright, I've heard a lot of different answers, some say you can feed as early as they start to grow their first leaves and heard others say that you shouldn't add anything until at least 2 weeks after planting the seed. I've also heard to just wait until it shows signs of needing food but I don't want to take any chances guessing.

OK I have just picked up some Microbe Brew from Fox Farm and I was wondering when is the earliest I could start using this. I also have some seaweed extract from GrowMore that's .1-.1-1.5 and I had the same question for that.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I've heard a lot of different answers, some say you can feed as early as they start to grow their first leaves and heard others say that you shouldn't add anything until at least 2 weeks after planting the seed. I've also heard to just wait until it shows signs of needing food but I don't want to take any chances guessing.

OK I have just picked up some Microbe Brew from Fox Farm and I was wondering when is the earliest I could start using this. I also have some seaweed extract from GrowMore that's .1-.1-1.5 and I had the same question for that.
I know that it is extremely hard to burn with micros cuz it takes so much. So its really up to you


Well-Known Member
If you're in soil you don't need to add nutes until like 3 weeks in at least.


Well-Known Member
Feeding depends on medium.....starter soil will last a couple weeks....if you transplant into fox farms, roots organics soil,or any soil with plenty of nutrients amended in bigger pots you really don't have to add anything for a while except cal mag if using RO water.....feed your plants when they ask for it not when you feel like it.....