Question outside the box..

If I am worried about someone stealing my outdoor Crop. Can I chop it down and stick it in water like a rose and have it finish the last week or two in a vase? Was just curious if it is possible


Well-Known Member
One of the biggest reasons growing outdoor sucks! It's just something you need to come to terms with. 'my efforts may end up wasted'. Just as if you grow illegal you must come to terms with the fact you may end up in jail. It's just facts.
Theives are one of the worst forms of humanity available. Just understand the world works in mysterious ways. And karma is a bitch. Those who thief will get theirs in the end don't you worry about that. I know (trust me I know) what it's like to loose it all. It's a terrible feeling that I don't wish upon anyone. (Lost hundreds of plants one year in cornfields and the like I think by poachers and maybe RCMP). I remember smoking a half a pack of butts back to back just holding my hands on my head and rocking back and forth. That hurt bad but I learned valuable lessons.


Well-Known Member
You'd be surprised how long a cutting from a mature cannabis plant can live in just a vase of water.
I take larf cuttings all the time and stick them in bottles around the house.
They don't really finish though, just hang around. 6 weeks sometimes. Way longer than most flowers.