Question. ( Pictures )


Sorry, i re-asked this question, but not it has pictures.

I just transplanted my baby into another hole in the ground. THIS time around, the whole is about 1ft by 1ft. Pretty decent size. My plant is about 4 weeks old and is around 7 inches tall. I am growing outdoors. In a well lighted place, in a place where a stream used to be. But over time the thickness of the plants stopped the stream from filling up anymore. The place is WELL vegetated, and there is LOTS of green because of the richness of the place it is in. My question is, will this be a good size to keep the plant in until harvest. Now note, im not trying to make a tree over here. Im not depending on the growth. Im mainly growing because i want my own supply and i want the accomplishment of smoking and getting blazed off the bud i grew personally. Im not looking for pounds or even a high number of ounces ( 2- 4 ounces is desired, but im not expecting more, and if i get less, i will still be satisfied.) Will this be a good place to keep until harvest? or should i transplant again. ( ive transplanted the plant twice now [ from pot : to bigger hole in ground : to current bigger hole.] ) Im not a big grower, and dont plan to sell any of it for profit, as i am not the type of person who wants to spend 6 months tending to a plant whom's bud will be sold, and because its just my only plant.

Note: I havent determined the sex, but seeing that this is just a personal grow, i do not plan on killing it, if it is a male. I do realize males dont produce what we grow for, but hashish sounds just as great to me.

I am a first- time grower. But just because im a first time grower doesnt mean anything. This just means the start of a whole new hobby. I plan to keep growing, but never in large amounts.

I am also a new member, so any great advice posted would be much appreciated, just any advice that you found a great help through the whole growing process.

Currently my plant is getting around 9 hours of light a day, and the soil retains the water good, which means less sketching around to water it and so on. It did suffer some shock from the first transplant and i did have to cut 2 sets of leaves off, but it is growing healthy for me, a lovely green, and showing new life everyday.

I have been smoking delicious bud for eight years now, so dont think im illiterate on weed. I know all the basics, and probably an equal amount of knowledge that most of you people have on growing.

And also, from the reading ive done, it seems dead grass spread around the plant is a good thing to do. Keep bugs off or w.e. I spread a light amount around my plant, will this actually help? I dont have any bug problems at all, i just want to keep it that way.

Thanks! Twisty190 :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: