Question regarding cloning for sex

I'm currently growing outdoors and have plants that I started indoors 6 weeks ago. I transplanted them the other day outdoors and they seem to be taking to their new home well. My question would be regarding taking clones from these plants and sexing them indoors. How long would it take for me to root/sex these clones? My thought is that I could find out the males/females, remove the males, and take my female clones and put them outdoors in the individual areas where I removed the males, potentially doubling my yield, right? If I were to sex these clones indoors, then place them outdoors in early July, would they reveg or would they continue flowering and finish early? I'm located in the Northeast, so normally they wouldn't begin flowering until August.
I would suggest that you let them grow a few more weeks because they should be close enough to sexual maturity. Don't clone until you have a bunch of branches. Take clones after sex was told and then just plant them as soon as you can, that way you don't have to stress from reveging.


New Member
if u have branches 4-6 inchs long u can take clones
just remove lower branches
have u took clones before? if not i can get u a guide


Active Member
take a couple cuttings from each plant, put them under a 12/12 light schedule. this might take a Little longer to root but if your just looking to determine the sex it's the faster route.