question regarding soil


I'm fairly new to growing and i have six plants that are about 5 inches tall. I know its already too late to ask this question but ill ask anyways. Is it ok that i didnt till (i dont know what other word to use) up the soil as far as the roots will go? Or will the roots have no problem going through the hard soil?


Active Member
yeah they wont be able to get through really tough stuff very well at alllll. they dont need it to be that deep though.

if you want a 10 ft monster though you need like a 4 ft hole yah feel me? how deep do you have it?
peace :peace:


well three of them just got flooded away recently :( .....but my other three are in pots and they are 5 gallon pots so i think ill be ok. actually no, i lost three of my babies. its not ok