Question...thinking about moving??

Was wondering how Murrieta is as a town for growing and how the town is in general??
Does anyone know the plant count is for indoor??
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
Both suck. They are armpits.

Grow wise... why does plant count matter since you won't be telling anyone you grow anyway? (The first rule of grow club and all...)


plant count was just so i could keep it on the legal size, like i know some countys are 99, not sure what this is.
100 and over it becomes federal jurisdiction. So 99 was the limit set by the state, i believe. Then some counties and cities but further restriction. Some have canopy restrictions, other plant restrictions, or both. Some have only indoor allowed and no outdoor. Vice versa. It varies so much from county to county and city to city.

You can find all of that info broken down by county/city on NORML's website

I don't live in cali anymore but i may have looked over that info a time or two :)


Well-Known Member
IMO people are better off never telling anyone they grow, and staying under 99 just in case of the freak accident discovery.

Where to move depends on what you like. Almost anything in the Inland Empire will be hot dry and dusty. Some areas in the IE are more redneck than others. You really have to take extended visits to figure out where you want to be.
Yeah no one will know about the grow. I don't trust people in general. I am from east coast and only know people in diego, San Fran and menifee. So I'd like to go somewhere I know someone. A little easier transition.


Well-Known Member
I totally understand moving where you know people... I have done that too.

Well, I would say that in general your biggest concerns are going to be smell, and if your close to your neighbors, sound. Since your going to be quiet about your grow, you can move anywhere, so...

S.D. can be really nice. People are generally laid back, there's less traffic than L.A. (But that's changing) and as long as you are not out in East SD County it's cool, temp wise. Cops are dicks.

I have never lived in SF, but as a tourist I think it's nice. Expensive, but nice.

Menifee - Meh. it's an average quiet town in the IE. Dusty, hot, nothing really there to do. Inexpensive though. About an hour drive to LA proper.
thanks for your imput mithrandir420....i am not moving til the new year...just trying to find out where cops are dicks and people are chill...the menifee being an hour from diego and hour from la seems like to find a land lord that allows growing. also not to sound like an ass but what is IE? thanks
What's a nice town near San Fran that's not too expensive?? Also the plant count of those towns?? I don't mind driving like 45mins to go to cool chill towns. Thanks.
appreciate everyones help!! just wish i could get the answer for the riverside county plant count....and anyone recomend a way to find the right should i look for a lnadlord offering a place for growing??


Well-Known Member
Don't choose a location based on plant count. In the end it doesn't really matter.

Rent a house, don't mention it to the landlord. Pay your rent on time, keep the house clean, take care of home issues yourself. Keep landlord interactions to a minimum. Be that nice quiet tennant that pays his rent on time and never complains or is complained about.

I swear, for the life of me, I will never understand why some of you are in such a hurry to tell the world that you grow.
ive told u before no one will gonna be renting a 3 bedroom by myself...and i want to know plant count cause in the end its less trouble if something does happen just in case...and for that area specifically cause the kid i know that lives there told me today that the house right next door is available for rent


ive told u before no one will gonna be renting a 3 bedroom by myself...and i want to know plant count cause in the end its less trouble if something does happen just in case...and for that area specifically cause the kid i know that lives there told me today that the house right next door is available for rent
Then why the hell are you talking about a landlord who will allow growing? The fact is, whether your landlord is grow-friendly or not, you don't want them to know. If they know, they WILL talk. If they talk, you will become known as a grower. When you become known as a grower, people on all sides of the law will become interested in you. When people on all sides of the law become interested in you, they'll come to see you. When they come to see you, you'll end up in a shallow grave near Banning.

Don't end up in a shallow grave near Banning, keep your fucking mouth shut and just rent a place, grow your shit carefully and discreetly, and have a nice life.

And for god's sake, DON'T POST ABOUT IT ON AN INTERNET FORUM. Ever hear of an IP address? The cops can find you TODAY if they want to.