

Well-Known Member
no, no it wont. and i havent seen too many males with tric coverage to the point where i would waste my time on it. i hope he is FAR into flowering bc if u cant see the trics its not worth it.


Active Member
You can use 50% isopropyl alcohol... but:

1. Be careful and make sure the only other ingredient in the bottle of rubbing alcohol is water. Don't use anything with preservatives, coloring, etc... just isopropyl and water. Double check the label.

2. Plan on the drying out/evaporation to take longer. The alcohol will evaporate quickly but the water will take a relatively long time to evaporate away after the alcohol does. Make the final 'hash' balls small so they can continue to dry easily and not mold.

3. You will need to use roughly twice as much alcohol.

Have you tried smoking any of the male plant?


Active Member

No, you will just end up with goo that never fully hardens all the way. Splurge $2 on 91% or higher iso. =)

Also are you talking about hash oil or Iso hash? Either way 91% is gonna be wayyyy better.


second that!

91 percent or higher or just use some everclear or pure grain alcohol.......check the liquor cabinetbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
with most 91% rubbing alcohol the only other ingredient is water, i wouldn't worry too much about impurities. and if you want to make hash then grow FEMALE plants! if you wash your male plant in iso alcohol it will result in nothing, its a waste of time, and also dont smoke your male plants okay, there's no point. you will not get high, the canabis that you smoke to get high consists of the female flowers(buds), not males. male plants have absolutely no value other than being fathers, thats it.
listen if you want to make hash from a male plant just go drink some booze cause your greenthumb and hash questions are worthless. is this a joke or what


here, i went ahead and did a search using the advanced search option within this site.
.....searched titles only

looks like you have some learning to do and probably some need to research before spouting off misleading information.......

here you go:

sorry for calling you ignorant but your comments are completely false and I think you know that - but i'm guessing you are of the type that will not admit it.....

your point is clear and everybody knows that a female and a male don't compare when it comes to potency ~ but extraction methods do exist and some folks have had great results with good genetics and lush healthy mature male plants.......

take it easy man and do some reading........

remember, we have two eyes, two ears and only one mouth........please use them accordingly


Well-Known Member
did you read the threads that you posted? sure you can make cannabutter out of male plants, but its gonna have about as much thc as cannabutter made with say grass or stinging nettles. cannabutter made from male plants will not get you high and THE REASON IS (and I want you to read this carefully and think about for a minute or two so that you can understand it) when we make cannabutter and hash from our plants our goal is to separate the trichomes from the plant matter, this is called extracting and by doing this we're making a concentrate. the thc that comes from our trim is contained in the trichomes. the reason why male plants are ineffective and we dont use them for hash making or cannabutter is because they dont have trichomes. sorry to all you new growers out there who have put a lot of time and effort into growing a plant that turned into a male, its sucks and i know you just desperately trying to find a use for him but unfortunately he wont get you stoned no matter what you do with him. thats why we either throw them away or use them for pollen. if males were practical for making cannabutter than we would already know that and I wouldn't be debating. I've been a member of RIU since 2008, i've got plenty of reading under my belt and i've seen it all.


I've been a member of RIU since 2008, i've got plenty of reading under my belt and i've seen it all.

anytime someone says they have "seen it all" , you can rest assured they are likely ignorant, stubborn and closed minded........not to say Willy's not a nice guy though....I think I ticked him off when I called him ignorant....Understandable......

Listen up there Silly little Willy, :mrgreen: take a chill pill and don't be so darn closed minded.......

you'll thank yourself for it one day!

peace amigo bongsmilie


Active Member
Male plants for butter, really? a fully flowered male will contain some cannabinoids,but most people don't grow their plants out that far. if you do but dont contain the pollen you are a jackass :D i have taken fully flowered males and tried making iso hash from them when i was in high school. it doesent work, you end up with a sticky tar that doesent have much effect beyond a headache. i guess if you had absolutely no tolerance for pot it could effect you but i feel its a total waste of time. if it worked breeders would be extracting the resin from their males to test the potency.


Well-Known Member
Ok, somehow I missed that the point of this thread was making oil out of male plants. My 99% alcohol comment still stands, but don't waster your time trying to make oil from males. You can use them for cooking, but even that isn't worth the trouble.


Well-Known Member
anytime someone says they have "seen it all" , you can rest assured they are likely ignorant, stubborn and closed minded........not to say Willy's not a nice guy though....I think I ticked him off when I called him ignorant....Understandable......

Listen up there Silly little Willy, :mrgreen: take a chill pill and don't be so darn closed minded.......

you'll thank yourself for it one day!

peace amigo bongsmilie
its really annoying having to argue with noobs that are talking out of their ass when im trying give someone legitimate advice. especially when they call me ignorant, stubborn or closed minded. your new on these boards, show some respect. if you dont fully understand something (hashmaking, cannabutter), then dont try to argue with somebody that does.


Well-Known Member
just can't stop can you silly?

your one of those people that has to have the last word aren't you? well im gonna be a nice guy and let you have it, its really the least I could do since i totally pwned you in that debate. courtesy of "silly willy" himself!:lol::twisted::mrgreen:


Uses the Rollitup profile
Of course male plants have trichomes that contain THC. So do leaves. When you smoke a bag of seeded Mexican pot, the buds with the seeds are female, and the buds without seeds are male. Both kinds of buds will get you high, so they obviously have trichomes. Female buds have the higher concentration of trichomes than male buds or leaves, that's why we want those.



Well-Known Member
Of course male plants have trichomes that contain THC. So do leaves. When you smoke a bag of seeded Mexican pot, the buds with the seeds are female, and the buds without seeds are male. Both kinds of buds will get you high, so they obviously have trichomes. Female buds have the higher concentration of trichomes than male buds or leaves, that's why we want those.

Dude, the male plants don't produce buds. Just leaves and pollen sacks, no buds.