

bud bootlegger
it's not very tall, but it appears to be pretty bushy... it'lll probably double or so in size when it hits flower.. hard to estimate yield ..
it does seema bit small for it's age under a 400 hps though imo..
What medium are you growing in? What light are you going to use for flowering? Nutrients? Exct.
Some soil i got a my local home hardware, nutrients im using advancednutrients, micro , grow, bloom, big bud, i have the 4, stopped giving the plant nutrients tho because it started to burn a little, and i have no hps bulb so im just gonna try and flower it with the metal halide, i know it gets more fluffy buds but i also heard it gets better crystal production because of the light spectrum, so idont know, im going to use the metal halide to experiment anyways